I recently went to a book store to help me learn more about Kandinsky and other artists that would help raise my own questions and came across the most sweetest elderly lady. I know that I will never forget her and how she openly approched me in the art section without hesitation. Her name was Marie Twombly and I made sure I wrote that name down in my sketchbook just in case I forgot. We ended up talking about careers in the art industry and how its tricky to was to make it big. She infromed me about a story when she was about 5 years old and was walking with her father.
"Do you know your ABC's yet?" He asked 5 year old Marie. "Oh yes I sure do" she replied. Marie told me her father then said in a clear voice so she would hear him, "There are only 2 letter's Marie that are going to mean anything and thats the letter's, "U" and "I". I smiled immediatly as she eagerly told me the meaning behind what he said. 88 year old Marie said she learned that if you want to have self confidence and explore your life, you have to make sure no one makes themselves a captial "I" and yourself a lowercase "u".
Another piece of advice Marie told me was when your having an interview with a boss, make your idea's are their's. Give them the credit somehow like they came up with it and let them feed off of that greed. It sounds rather shady and negative but reading abstractional art books I came to the conclusion that it could also be something positive.
When others reference back to the masters they can give them some credit for having discovered that method, but apply their twist into it so it will become even bigger. When Cubism, Surrealism and other movemnts came to carry on through the decades those methods branched off to become something useful for future mankind. With the development in sculpted abstract forms, buildings to furniture could be elaborated to become something more appliable.