So..I'll never make it...

Jul 13, 2005 10:08

Okay everyone, I am now really scared to death. Today we got back our first papers and my grade was horrible. I mean, my teacher thought that I was the dumbest person in the world. I don't blame her. Yet, this grade brings up interesting points.

Point # 1: How in the world will I survive a AP class? It was a mistake signing up for it. I wonder If I could somehow get out? I can't write at all and I'll be paying over $ 100 do take a AP test that will never go towards college credit. I'll just score to low.

Point # 2: I won't get into college. My SAT scores are lower than a person doing a full split on a floor. They are so low until I'll never get into college. If I were to get low grades in the courses that I'm taking here then the grades will go on my transcripts and follow me everywhere. That means no Colombia, NYU, or George Washington. Shoot, not even UNC Chapel Hill. Crap, I'll probably end up at a technical college somewhere. Not saying that technical colleges are bad, but hey, at least I'll have a High school diploma.

Point # 3: My parents never went to college. Their parents never went to college, and their parents never went to college. Basically, I would the first person to go to college. My parents aren't rich or anything, so I have to keep good grades in order to get scholarships. What If my grades drop because I'm taking APs? Maybe I was challenged enough in Honors classes. Even a standard class would do me good! I should have taken standard English. Maybe I could then learn how to write complete sentences.

This sucks...I could have stayed at home and worked at Panda Express and at the Nursing home. I could have finshed my AP homework and did college applications. This was suppose to be a confidence booster for college. But it is also a reality check. I'll never get into college.

*sigh* ~sharonda~
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