(no subject)

Jun 26, 2006 12:31

I am literally sitting here in my swimsuit with my fan a foot away from me on high. its so dang hot out! drivers ed wasnt that bad. even though there wasnt any ac and we were stuck in a room for 3 hours. my teacher is so funny and hes so laidback. for the first like hour we talked about AIDS and the ebola [sp?] virus. he forgot his curriculum [I CANT SPELL ANYMORE!] so we just kinda did our own thing.

then my brother came and picked me up at 12 in his car he got what, a week ago? it was $2,000 and its a clutch. a 1993 maza protege. I can never see myself in such a crappy car, i'm sorry, i probably sound selfish or something. but the AC sucks and i was dyinggg. :[ i was fanning myself and hes like "does that really help?" "YES." it took them like forever to come over and take his card and everything and i was like WWWWWHY IS IT SO HOT!? and then he just lashed out at me. "I'M NOT BEING A BAD BROTHER. I PICKED YOU UP. YOU'RE LUCKY. YOU COULD BE WALKING HOME RIGHT NOW." i was like "whoaa, way to raise your voice at me" and he continued to yell at me. ITS HOT, I'M HOT & GRUMPY, DONT YELL AT ME, K? COOL.

why cant i have my license already? it sucks. i cant wait to have the freedom of being able to drive wherever, whenever i want. like the pool. that sounds soo perfect right now. :[

my birthday is in 15 days and i leave for hawaii in 9! i cant wait to get out of this town and relax on the beach. :]

ps; if any of you guys have GJ you should add me at heldyoucloser. <3

pss; i hate that whenever i color my hair lighter i like it for a week and then miss it dark, and then when i color it dark i miss when its light. :[ does this happen to anyone else or am i just weird?
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