
Jul 16, 2009 21:59

There are very few times in which I feel a media item is entirely without worth, but let me say here that if Persuasion of 2007 is worth anything, it is merely useful as an illustration of how ill cast a set of actors can be.  Although I do not think the 1995 version the best of works (nay there is some writing that is nigh on to abominable) I do think it is the best casting ever done for classic fiction if not for a reworking of a work of fiction in general.  On the complete opposite, though, the actors for the 2007 version have little to nothing to recomend them to us as viewers.

The 1995 version has fault enough, I grant you, but not in acting.  If only carried by Amanda Root alone I would still be pleased for her sake, but there are so many background actors so integral to the scene, to every action performed by Anne, that it is very nearly impossible to view each scene with equanimity.  I declare, nay, I swear, that I have not seen a better done version of one of Miss Austen's works, not even the 1995 Pride and Prejudice equals it, although it is very close, as is the same year's Sense and Sensibility.

Also, I remember a 90's-esque version of Mansfield Park, but cannot seem to find it anywhere, what's up with that.

I need to go back to the 2007 version of Persuasion.  The thing is, I have never seen such awkward, such inappropriate casting in my whole life.  I get that not everyone is available when they are wanted, but not a single person suited, whereas every single person suited in the 1995 version to some extent or another.  I have no problems with lack of perfection.

Finally allow me to mention how very happy we should be that so many people have favored us in such a way as to make such wonderful productions available to us.  To relationships I am perfectly indifferent, but to a really fantastic book, or a nearly as well done remake of a novel, I have every expectation of future happiness.

(Was I drunk when I wrote this?  Very.  Do I still agree with nearly every word the next morning?  Definitely!)

soapbox, austen

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