EscadxHeroine, EscadxHeroine...

Jan 10, 2010 22:08

...More Fanart50!

Title: It's Okay
Fandom: Legend of Mana
Character(s): EscadxHeroine
Prompt: 17: accept it
Rating: G/K
Link: Inner Universe Link * DeviantART Link * Prompt Table
Author's Notes: Fluffy fluff of the fluffy fluff kind.

Title: Angel?
Fandom: Legend of Mana
Character(s): EscadxHeroine
Prompt: 41: lucky
Rating: PG/K+
Link: Inner Universe Link * DeviantART Link * Prompt Table
Author's Notes: Bloody, partially shirtless, just-got-the-crap-kicked-out-of-him Escad, for your fan-service-y pleasure. XD

And that's all for now!

art stuffs, otp, escadxheroine, fanart50, legend of mana, fandom

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