Stuff that's happening...

Jul 22, 2009 21:18

Let's see...

Well, barely two weeks into the quarter and I'm ready to shoot myself in the face. Or at least crawl to bed and stay there until the term's over. Yeah, rough day full of programming. Not a strong suit of mine. HTML and GoLive? Easy, easy easy and fun. ActionScript and Flash? More complicated but I finally got the hang of it. But MEL scripting and Maya? Tenth layer of hell. MY BRAIN HURTS!

Gah! Finally! Got in a new computer that can run Maya! Yay! Now more having to commute everyday to do my homework! XD It's a 24" iMac with 2GB of Memory, 2.5+ GHZ of processing power, soooo much faster than my current Mac (of which I still love, btw. <3), and it's just so sleek and sexy looking! <3 *pets*

So gonna copy and load everything over to the new Mac (all my files, apps, preferences, etc...), and get it all set up and settled in. And give it a name. XD

So yeah, last entry on my old, faithful G4 PowerPC 10.4 Mac - affectionately called "Escad Liotte". Since I'm a dork, I may call the new one "Escad Liotte 2", "TARDIS" or "Lara Croft". I guess I could call it "Dave" so I can crack "I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Dave..." jokes. XD

We're still, going to keep the old Mac, actually, since it's still a good machine and much more valuable keeping it around then selling it. It may also serve as a back-up or rendering machine or something. Hmm... So yeah, don't know what we're going to do with it, but we're keeping the ol' boy. XD *pats compy*

But yeah, pictures to come when it's all set up and to go. XD

In other news, we sadly lost one of our cats recently - Lucia, Dante's sister. ;_; We think that a wild dog or a coyote may have gotten to her. There's been reports of a coyote or similar critter snatching up pets - 7 cats and 1 small dog so far. The sooner the damn thing is trapped, the better. Sorry, but I hold grudges against any living thing that kills a cat - especially a cat that I happen to like. >< (Pictures later... ;_;) 8 down to 7... ;_;

In more lighter, cat-related news... One of my Mom's friends has rescued a litter of kittens and their mother from a local park, and is trying to adopt them out. They're all really cute white-and-buff-colored cats, and the kittens and all about 3 months old. Since we like having 8 cats and "have an opening", Mom and I are headed over to take on home - a little female named "Girlie". ^^ (New name for her to come.) We're getting her on Friday, and it's all agreed - a new kitty is needed. Of course, no kitty can replace Lucia... ;_;

So yeah. Life, classes, computers (squee!), cats... Cheetah's tired now and ready to go to bed.

And do remind me to post pictures of cats and computers. ^^;

compueters, life stuff, cats, geekary, classes

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