Craaazy weather...

Dec 20, 2008 22:10

It's literally five days before Christmas...

And it's 80 degrees outside? Yeah, I know it's the south and all, but shouldn't it at least be cold? Oo I want it to be cold damn it. This warm weather is confusing me and it's making me whine like a little kid. *whiiiine*

Agh. My computer is starting to get slow on me. Just as well; I'm going to have to take 3D modeling and animation classes starting in the spring. Yet everyone around me keeps pushing me to get a PC. But to be honest... I really want one these babies...

Too bad it costs an arm and a leg. But it's. So. DROOL WORTHY! And! Macs like these can run Maya and any other program my little heart desires, can also run Windows with the right conversion software and can pretty much do anything I want it too... <3 I'd say it's definately worth the investment in the long run... ^^ Just look at it! Isn't it beautiful?! XD (Besides, I already have a decent monitor, keyboard, a tablet, and plenty of other software.)

But chances of me getting one are slim to none. ;_; I'm more likely to get a PS3 or a PC that I'll hardly use outside of modeling work and eventually sell on ebay for smexy Mac money. Yes, I know... But I'm a Mac person at heart. I've used Macs ever since I was a little kid, loved 'em to itty bitty pieces, and pretty much do all of my work on a Mac. Yeah, yeah yeah. I know PCs are powerful and crap. I'm going to have to use them in my field of work. Most of the market share and so forth is for the PC.

But that still won't stop me from lusting over smexy macs that can pretty much do anything except clean the kitchen sink. XD

computers, macs, geekary, bitching

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