I've been watching this little game here for the PS3. It's a JRPG, developed by Level 5, the makers of Dark Cloud, Dark Cloud 2 and Rogue Galaxy - three of my favorite titles - and I've been watching this game's progress ever since news of the PS3 first surfaced. Now there's a trailor. It looks awesome - perhaps it will be the game that truely defines the PS3.
That game is "White Knight Chronicles".
Take a
Also... Is this who I think it is? If so, then awesome. XD Looks like he's gonna be the "Cid" of Level 5's games, apparently.
He looks familiar...
Come to think of it, Level 5 did say that there was going to be a character from one of their previous games making an appearence...
No way! Is it Osmond from Dark Cloud and Dark Cloud 2?! Yes, apparently it is. XD
I'm so glad Level 5 ignored pressure to make it a launch title, because this looks amazing. I love Level 5. I love their games, and I have a good feeling that I'm going to love this game too. ^^