Fandom and art and fanfiction and Inner Universe and...

Jun 29, 2008 01:12

...stuff! XD

Made some new icons. Been meaning to do that. XD Yay Tomb Raider! XD

The first anniversary of Inner Universe is coming up, so I've been working on a whole decent-sized batch of neglected artwork and so forth to commemorate it, as well as a nifty Anniversary pic. XD Awesome sauce. And yes, some of said artwork has EscadxHeroine.

Pro'lly shoud start writing again too. XD

Also been reading MaixZuko fanfiction all day. XD Pfffft. Kataang and Zutura? Nay! I shall have some servings of Maiko plzkthx. XD

...Brain dead right now, so I'll end it here.

...Pretty much some random journal spam, anyway. XD

webdesign, escadxheroine, rambles, geekary, journal spam, fandom, inner universe, zukoxmai

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