*head tilt* My brain messes with me in such weird ways.

Sep 30, 2011 19:10

So! The other night, I had a dream about Dragon Age. Specifically about Alistair and my DalishFem! Warden. The bizarre part of it was something about sneaking into a hotel. Or was it a convention? Maybe both. Something not Dragon Age. There was also quite a few shippy bits.

I do believe this is really the first time I had an actual dream about any of my fandoms, or about any of my favorite ships. Rather, the first fandom-related dream that I could remember or even made some sort of tangible sense. Ironically, I was reading fanfic about Anders that afternoon. So if I want an Anders-related shipping dream, I should read Alistair fanfic? And why Dragon Age? Why Alistair? Why am I even having fandom-related dreams in the first place?

I swear, my mind works in strange ways. O_o Regardless, now I have a craving to play Dragon Age.

Okay, vaguely amusing journal spam post over now. Move along, move along. An actual post about interesting stuff to happen later. XD

(And yes! I'm still alive!)

lolwut?, dragon age, weird dreams, fandom

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