Rrrrrrock and rrrrrrroll

Jun 23, 2007 23:07

Gah, I finally got through the last few Seventh Doctor episodes I hadn't seen. They were Mel episodes, and one can only take so much of her squeaky voice and high-pitched screaming, so I'd been putting them off. Now I've just got a few First Doctor reconstructions to get through and then I will have seen all of the classic series!

That brings me in mind of one of my favorite scenes from one of my favorite Buffy episodes, "Smashed". (Shut up!)

Andrew: You're English, right?
Spike: Yeah.
Andrew: I've seen every episode of Doctor Who. But not Red Dwarf, 'cause...
Jonathan: It's not out yet on DVD.
Andrew: Right, it's not out yet on DVD.
Spike: WARREN!!

Hee! It's good to be a geek. Unless you're Jonathan, and then you just make it through the entire series to end up dead in the high school basement. That would suck.

doctor who

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