I've written a bit of silly schmoopiness for
bethynyc's birthday. Giles/Wesley, post BtVS S3 'verse where Wes stays in Sunnydale, rated G, about 250 words. I wrote this quickly at lunch today--I hope you like!
“I was thinking we should try that new Greek place for dinner tonight.”
Wesley was startled by the sound of Giles’s voice behind him. He quickly minimized the web page he’d been browsing.
“Um, yes. Yes. Greek sounds delightful. Yes,” he stammered.
Giles leaned over his right shoulder. “What was that you were looking at?”
“Nothing! Nothing at all! Just some… research. F-for tomorrow’s ritual.”
“Really?” Giles sounded skeptical. “Well then, we’d better not bring Anya along. She’d be in a right state.”
Wesley was puzzled. “Why?”
“Bunnies,” Giles replied.
Wesley’s eyes widened. “Bunnies? W-what do you mean bunnies?”
Giles pointed to the screen. “You were looking at bunnies. Cute little grey bunnies.”
Wesley stiffened defiantly. “I don’t know what you’re talking about, Rupert.”
Giles reached over to the laptop and maximized the web browser. “Those bunnies there.”
Wesley’s posture deflated. “Oh. Yes. Those bunnies.”
“It’s alright, Wesley.” Giles chuckled. “Enjoying
Cuteoverload.com is nothing to be ashamed of.” He put a gentle hand on Wesley’s shoulder and whispered, “As a matter of fact, I have it bookmarked on my computer.”
Relief flooded Wesley’s face.
“But,” Giles added, “If you tell any of the others, I will kill you. You know that, don’t you?”
Wesley nodded. “Your secret is safe with me-but I hope you’ll grant me the same consideration.”
“Of course!” Giles kissed him on the cheek. “Now, take a look at yesterday’s post--hedgehogs!” he added with a gleeful grin.
Happy Birthday, sweetie!