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Feb 07, 2007 16:19

So, what is going on in the wonderful world of me? Well, how kind of you to ask! I shall tell all! ;)
This week has been pretty good so far...no major stresses to speak of (other than the impending AP exams of DOOM!) especially since I'm doing well in English and History, two very important classes in which to do well. I just got a 97% on a History test I thought I was totally unprepared for (thank Bazness for BROAD essays! WOOT!) and we just started The Sun Also Rises in English and I'm really enjoying it! I think Hemingway's style is a very refreshing change from all the extreme symbolism and intense imagery we've been reading since August...I mean don't get me wrong, I really enjoyed The Scarlet Letter and Ethan Frome but The Great Gatsby was well...it made me want to jump off of Gatsby's dock into really cold water if that makes any sense at all. haha it was just not my kind of thing. But MAN I'm really enjoying The Sun Also Rises! The characters are really cool and pretty darn random, and I do so enjoy some good randomness. ;)
Other than school (because Xavier is my life) nothing else really huge is happening, which is really quite lovely. Le Chaz and I are doing quite well and our 9 month anniversary is (get this!) Valentine's Day! haha I think that's super duper cute...but I'm a nerdco like that. ;) He's amazing, I'm not gonna lie (a true Chazian reply! hahaha oh yes...). I'm still just pleased to bits about C-dawg's visit a week and a half ago and so happy that he intends to visit again! WOOT! Now that he's in a semi-normal place in his job (as if any job could ever be truly normal lol) he said he'll have more time to visit, so that is quite awesome. Guess who intends to not miss any more days of school? Moi. haha I was going to try to anyway, because Xavier is Xavier and you NEVER know what randomness will occur amongst friends or in class. OOOOOOH and speaking of Xavier (as I said, my life), last Thursday was our Student Takeover day and I definitely took over Mrs. Verghese's English I class! WOOT! Laur-elle and I taught the freshwomen (or more reviewed with them) Jane Eyre by means of Jane Eyre Jeopardy! haha 'twas AWESOME and they definitely had fun, as did we. I was amazed and quite impressed that they remembered so much from the book and really seemed to get into it! I guess competition will do that to you, right? haha they were great and it was definitely LOTS of fun!
So let's see...I cannot WAIT for Ugly Betty and The Office tomorrow! WOOT! But I must comment on House and say that was the BEST episode I've seen in a LONG time. Everyone was back in character and the story was very interesting. Let's hope it stays that way!...eventually. haha oh well, at least we got that episode! I do so love Hughsday...
Well, I think that just about does it for me today. I'm off to...not do homework! haha lyl all, au revoir! :-D
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