Seafood is better with aliens.

Jun 28, 2006 12:35

C- You're wild and crazy
A- Dang good kisser
R- You are sexy!
O- You are one of the best in bed
L- You are beautiful
I- Too hott to handle!!
N- You are sexaaaaay
E- You have a nice butt

A- dang good kisser
B- you fall in love quickly
C- you're wild and crazy
D-You have one of the best personalities ever
E- You have a nice butt.
F-People totally adore you
G-You have bedroom eyes.
H-You have a very good personality and looks.
I-Too hott too handle!!
J-Everyone loves you.
K- You like to try new things
L- You are beautiful
M-success comes easily to you.
N- you are sexaaaaay
O- You are one of the best in bed.
P-You are a hooooooooootieee
Q-You are a hypocrite.
R- You are sexy!
S- You're loyal to those you truy love.
T- You have beautiful eyes
U-You are really chill.
V- you are not judgemental
W-You are very broad minded.
X- You never let ppl tell u wat to do
Y-One of the best bfs/gfs anyone could ask for
Z-You like it in the butt VERY VERY HARD.

Well, I certainly agree with the last one for my name. ;)
So I had quite the eventful weekend! Saturday night I went to a wig party (yeah, not quite sure what the point of that was lol but whatever) for my youth group's youth minister who is going back home to the midwest and 'twas quite lovely. But Carrie leaving is SO random! She just decided to go home, I guess, which is understandable because she's really far from home here in Arizona. But our new youth minister is SO cool! lol and I've even convinced Talie to come to LifeTeen this week, so that will be quite interesting.
Sunday was my friend Laurel's 16th birthday shindig/dance recital, both of which were SO MUCH FUN! WOOT! lol I got to hang out with my friends Chanelle, Natalie, Talie, Kelsey, and of course Laurel and met Laurel's neighbor Alicia, who is just as insane as all of us. And Chanelle and Natalie are going to get me a very special birthday gift. ;) With the help of mon petit ami, bien sur. Oh my Bazness, I cannot wait for that! But anyway, lol Laurel dances SO darn well (as is to be expected after 14 years of training/dancing) and we all got to enjoy some swimming (or floating lol), dinner, and present-ing afterwards! More WOOT! lol and she quite liked her card, a picture of Greg from CSI, The Phantom of the Opera, some pictures of Greg and Sara and House and Cameron together (the way it should be), and of course our usual "Ardeth Bay...Lock-Nah" randomness. WOOT! for weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeird inside jokes of the Caroline/Laurel kind! And she most definitely supports the Chaz/Caroline ship. Yes indeed.
So far this week has been fairly uneventful, other than when Chaz came over last night and kicked my butt in Halo. But in all fairness, I'd never played it before, so there. :p lol but that was SO MUCH FUN! I love shooting things in video games...and I love being with Chaz, so 'twas all good, really. He is the SHIZNIT! squared pi to the max and then some with lots of lovely sprinkles on top (llama-shaped sprinkles I might add) and whip cream and a cherry to boot. That...was interesting. lol but all SO TRUE!
well, I suppose that shall do it for now...I'm off to go find lunch (dude, my house is full of food...I LOVE IT like I LOVE Chaz! WOOT!) and talk to mon Chaz. OOOH but I got a brand-new pink Razr phone! OH YES! lol 'tis SO awesome! And yep, when I call my house/when someone calls me from the house is says that "House" is calling! Yes, House as in House, M.D. Because yes, I'm just that obsessed/fantabulous. lol and with that, I'm out! lol lyl all, au revoir! :-D
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