(no subject)

Dec 23, 2005 23:17

Okay, can I just start by saying that I now own shirtless Jason Isaacs to watch over and over and over again for the rest of forever...forever! That sounded...interesting. haha Lauren got me Peter Pan on DVD as my late b-day present and OH MY BAZ, the HOTNESS!!! Gahhhh that whole movie is like one big fangirly squee fest over Jason Isaac's hotness. The leather pants, the boots, the shirtless love, the dirt, the LOVE. And did I mention the boots? ;) lol alright, I'll stop now...
But not with the present-love! Oh snap peas, I got some AWESOME presents for both Christmas and my "late birthday." I can even begin or try to describe the fantabulously awesome fabulousness that is the present Janelle gave me...BOTH the presents! lol the first is the new Ricky Martin CD *more fangirl squeeage* and the second (prepare for MAJOR fangirly-ness) is a gorgeous painting of Jane Eyre and Mr. Rochester under the chestnut tree after he's proposed! It's raining and the lightning is splitting the tree in half (just like in the book in case you've never read the book) and oh my freaking Rochester loving Baz monkies, it's the most amazing thing I have ever seen in my life (next to shirtless Jason Isaacs ;) ). lol Cait thought Mr. Rochester was supposed to be the dude...haha and speaking of Cait, she wrote us all this hilarious song to the tune of "Jingle Bells" about Xavier, our massive amounts of homework, and how we visit C-dawg and talk the poor man's ear off because he lets us. haha tis QUITE awesome. After all that fun and more than one episode of House (hehe...), I went over to Talie's house as a super duper last minute thing and slept over. haha twas awesome! We played The Sims 2 and made the House family, complete with Gregory House, Allison Cameron-House, and their four children. Upon creating them we decided we HAD to write a fanfic, so a lovely fluff piece is in the works. lol yayers for spreading the House/Cam love to my friends! I got Cait and Talie and I do believe Kim addicted to House like whoa, and I know Talie is a House/Cam shipper so hopefully the other two can be convinced as well. ;)
Today my mum, dad, brother and I went to Prescott for more of our lovely adventures on Gurley Streety and it was so fun! I love going to Prescott, especially the town square which is very old fashioned and reminds me of ragtime music...lol although these days everything does, so never mind. haha but it's a really delightful place to be. We went to a good old fashioned burger place and pretty much every store in and around the town square and I had the best tea ever! *is completely random* The taste of it brought images of ragtime, moustaches, and cheese to mind. /randomness I love going to Prescott, tis always SO fun!
Well, I do believe that concludes Caroline's adventures for now. haha if you can call them that...since I probably won't be on here till Monday or so, I wish all of you a very, very, very MERRY CHRISTMAS! and of course a wonderfully HAPPY NEW YEAR! lyl all, au revoir! :-D
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