I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
cheesey678 are close by:
- van_bassist, spacetweezers, pianostrings, musesg1, jesuscake, aiyabug, niandyra (0 - 50)
- pyrogriffin, amyrose2021, caryatideclipse, zaure, mercysilenced, mavwizard, theplaguekeeper, blukiwi, ex_mavwizard709, shinigurai, sweetie_babe, punkerpanda, rzoroo, manishg_35, bombachas, perplexingtofu, merssong, rabidlizzy, morcadis, erlyah, imagelss_blonde, tg_static, mandi_with_an_i, the_great_riz, dreadnaught, ruhirapper, solomoxen, shokken, male_she_gnoll, iharthdarth, silverjewel7, jack_x (50 - 100)
- nathanielbee, menintights, adb61686, nukinghorror, levines_story, ladyxandra, skog_dyr, neo_iceman, inuyasha111, pink_penguins, andybt05, twixmix07, shippo211, redneck_eddie, guset, cowkurplunked, kapua503, beehuey, hongkosmo, greeneyedgirl77, youngscribe, possum_wanderer, mrzestyness, viebrefdrame_nu, myfantasia, le_roi_du_coeur, joslynthomas, digressivehaven, callmemuscles, voyagerjeana, mojorising159, the_songwriter, the_nuzzy_type, fartinyoureye (100 - 150)
- alh87, veiled_darkness, muselives, _aeternum_vale_, h0ffm4n, cleanupyermess, droidking, jurks, achromic, insertbonghere, unmarked, fallen_dreamer6, jayjay42, sephrin, sassy_the_shit (150 - 200)
- sjshock, lapresence, georgia_pumpkin, tarqsharq, _realitycheck, mothproof_ammeh, zephyrsrevenge, speedbump0, maddxena, to_waste_a_rose, 11billiontries, onesmartwookie (200 - 250)
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TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends