Jul 04, 2007 09:48
anything I would say about the 4th would be more offensive to the people who don't deserve it than the possibility that it might wake up one of the ones who deserve it.
light a candle or something for me on the day of mourning the ex-nation.
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And no, I know someone else who would be Miss Piggy. I'm fairly sure she'd insist (:
Spent yesterday celebrating instead of today, cuz that way people could get to work hangoverless. Spent it on top of 'devil's rock' which is a real pain to climb up but really really good view from up there. It's at the end of the 'float down the vantaa river and drink beer' thing, which there are pictures on flickr but I don't know the actual name, hmm I'll google for 'vantaa celebration' and see what happens... ok that didn't work but I found some searching flickr for 'vantaa' (:
Next year we're going to float down the river (: Sauna is planned (floating sauna) and similar fun.
Glad y'all had a good time! Yay!
kellunta is sort of 'floating' - it's a derivative of float; and 'kalja' is beer. So. Floating beer festival, essentially (:
And floating sauna is probably saunakellunta. Probably (:
'Mean, think you are probably on to something, there. :D Years from now, someone will stumble across ancient human
digital language and translate, loosely (what else)...
"Hm...Something here about a process of steam from heat, rock and water or beverage resulting in humans bbq'g on a river. Do
you think they were cannibals, and look! More floating in water, only with beer?" (and i just woke up to check the time and uh, whatever and now feel hungry for beer soaked brats and rootbeer with ice-cream: Vanilla Haagen-Daz) hehe
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