pee and poo

Jul 15, 2005 00:00

im here trespassing on the buffalo state college computers
with my main squeeze brian dong
tim and eric rule i like tom goes to the mayor alot
thank you adult swim forever and ever
also its been a long time since ive mentioned my tattoos
well cheetah blob is no more
stupidest decision of my life???
big cover up by josh at hand of doom
amy's back done by him too and boy is that a hot one
i have a cold in the middle of summer and its really really gross
phlegm is that how its spelled? well there is certainly alot of it to go around....
the adicts-great show, am i right? best one before that would have to have been the evens at soundlab
my parents are in oregon so if youd like to come over for a bonfire on saturday nite and you arent going to two man advantage or another party and you promise not to hurt my guineas, cat, rabbit, or dog then come on down, whenever you can preferrably after 8ish
no space yet
turns out you need e-mail first
guess i gotta fix that
oh internet how i miss thee
your warm glowing warming glow radiating my soul with laughter and love

and sometimes anger.....
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