I haven't been here in a long while, what with school and everything, but...
Did I tell you? J'adore ca!
"Oh, thank you so very much," said Mal. "I love dramatic rescues and will you let go of that bloody stake because if there's any more pointing of anything wooden and pointy, no matter who's pointer and who's pointee, I promise I'm going to get hysterical on someone's arse. With italics. Arsehole."
This is my ultimate favourite quote.
To nitpick:
Because I, unless you, have eaten
It should be 'unlike you', I think.
I can't help noticing how the description of Elissa seems to fit Agnes Nitt almost to the word.
Cannot wait to find out who the mysterious stranger is. Otto Chriek? (but no accent) The brother? Whoever it is, sounds lovely.
I love how you update so fast and wonderfully. It keeps us all happy, methinks.
I'm going to fix the 'unlike'. I'm not even sure how the 'unless' got there, because I must have read that several times and everything looked okay. Um.
The Agnes Nitt bit just wormed its way in there, because the original description was... I can't remember, but I thought, 'why the hell is he pouring his heart out to the big bad vampire?' So great personality it was.
The mysterious and handsome stranger is going to be identified in chapter 5 :D
I love that Polly has Mental Images with capital letters. :-)
Because I, unlike you, have eaten, in a broad sense of the word...
Why would someone speaking Borogravian with a thick accent be... Oh, wait. Their in Zlobenia right now, aren't they? And so he's not actually speaking his own language to other people who speak the same language. He's speaking an unfamiliar language(or a familiar language in an unfamiliar way) to native speakers. Gotcha.
Twin brother? That would, of course, be the one bat she didn't completely piss off? :-)
No, you didn't say twin. You said 'brother'. Or, rather, Mal said 'brother', and Polly said 'why are there suddenly two of you'. This, plus the whole mob-of-two-Zlobenians description, suggests they've got one hell of a family resemblence going on, to say the least.
<*sigh*> Itty Bitty Vampire Womb-Mates. :-)
Re: Exams: Blast! Good luck with them. :-)
And, yeah. They did start off in Zlobenia. Thense the godforsaken Zlobenian cave in Part One. :-)
By the way, isn't the 'slightly girly farm boy' wearing the military uniform of an enemy nation? (And if not, when did that change?) Even if the had did get dumped/burned days ago. I wouldn't chuck my coat in the middle of winter.
Maybe she's too bundled up for the uniform to show. In my Crimea book (which I still haven't finished) it's said that with their informality and greycoats British soldiers barely looked like soldiers at all.
I didn't think that Borogravian soldiers had anything other than the all-year wool coats featured on the cover of the book (British version, clearly). Wow. And here I was, having them freezing to bloody death do to insufficient outer-wear. Big grey woollen great-coats would be *awesome*! :-)
Er, yes. Well, I mean, lucky Borogravian soldiers would have coats. But really, even the worst prepared army can't have soldiers in snow with nothing - the soldiers would forage for cloaks if they didn't receive them from the army - adding to the civilian effect.
Okay, what is with me, that *every* time I picture that bat, particularly lately, it ends up looking like the Very Tiny Mal doodled-bat on the wall. With the happy face and everything. In three-D. <*raises eyebrow*> I blame you. :-)
Comments 32
Did I tell you? J'adore ca!
"Oh, thank you so very much," said Mal. "I love dramatic rescues and will you let go of that bloody stake because if there's any more pointing of anything wooden and pointy, no matter who's pointer and who's pointee, I promise I'm going to get hysterical on someone's arse. With italics. Arsehole."
This is my ultimate favourite quote.
To nitpick:
Because I, unless you, have eaten
It should be 'unlike you', I think.
I can't help noticing how the description of Elissa seems to fit Agnes Nitt almost to the word.
Cannot wait to find out who the mysterious stranger is. Otto Chriek? (but no accent) The brother? Whoever it is, sounds lovely.
I love how you update so fast and wonderfully. It keeps us all happy, methinks.
I'm going to fix the 'unlike'. I'm not even sure how the 'unless' got there, because I must have read that several times and everything looked okay. Um.
The Agnes Nitt bit just wormed its way in there, because the original description was... I can't remember, but I thought, 'why the hell is he pouring his heart out to the big bad vampire?' So great personality it was.
The mysterious and handsome stranger is going to be identified in chapter 5 :D
Because I, unlike you, have eaten, in a broad sense of the word...
Why would someone speaking Borogravian with a thick accent be... Oh, wait. Their in Zlobenia right now, aren't they? And so he's not actually speaking his own language to other people who speak the same language. He's speaking an unfamiliar language(or a familiar language in an unfamiliar way) to native speakers. Gotcha.
Twin brother? That would, of course, be the one bat she didn't completely piss off? :-)
Yoru exams are done now, right? I want more. :-)
Yes, they're in Zlobenia now. I think they started off somewhere in Zlobenia, too, near the border.
Humm. Did I say twin? And: possibly, possibly :)
(The exams? Nah. I've got two more, and the next one is... in a week omg *hides*)
<*sigh*> Itty Bitty Vampire Womb-Mates. :-)
Re: Exams: Blast! Good luck with them. :-)
And, yeah. They did start off in Zlobenia. Thense the godforsaken Zlobenian cave in Part One. :-)
Wow. And here I was, having them freezing to bloody death do to insufficient outer-wear. Big grey woollen great-coats would be *awesome*! :-)
Only one step back, yes? :-)
(Re: bat: Whee, that was a lot of comments I'm sorry. But the story needs lightening up, anyway :)
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