What Polly Did Next
Summary: If Monstrous Regiment could be filed under “What Polly Did” this would fall under the remit of “What Polly Did Next” covering as it does the joys trials and tribulations of our eponymous heroine, picking up sometime in the year following the final paragraph of MR. Will contain Polly/Mal, but not yet. All you can hope
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Comments 16
It also contained squeeing about cuteness! Reading this was rather like watching a bunch of kittens play in someone else's craft store. Especially them sleeping together, love this trope (is it a trope already? Fandom's so small...)
Also there was something about commata. As in, e.g., "Why are you here Polly" lacks a comma in front of Polly.
It concluded in a plea for more chapters, I think, and assured you I'd be looking forward to reading them.
I'll take the second hand squeeing and yay non-the-less. Glad you liked it. (Yes it is a trope - but almost everything is these days and darn it I'm having it anyway!)
Thanks for commata commentary - copying it into html may have frustrated the author such that she just hit "submit" without doing that last vital check of editory errors. I'll give it a nudge.
Fear ye not - never mind more chapters - there's still 2 parts of this chapter to come (Autumn got to 15 pages and I almost died of shock so cut off the first chunk and posted it while I worked out more words for sword). You'll be glad to know I cut the annoying gramaphone in the end, shunting it off into the next chapter. It may get shunted again, moving constantly from chapter to chapter until it falls off the end of the tale to crash, unmourned, into the valleys below.
Not to much more to say for now, I've only read about half of this chapter ^_^; I shall be reading the rest tomorrow. Do have to say though, I'm liking Polly wondering about the vampire-influence thing. I've had extremely silly day dreams involving her coming onto random vampires just to see if she is able to detect the thrall if/when it happens, thus confusing and torturing Mal.
These dreams... ever considered writing them down and passing them round at all? They sound somewhat intriguing.
Author apologises for pesky perfectionist streak and demands of thesis that prevent quicker updating.
hyper!Mal was hilarious.
Anywho, very lovely. Can't wait for the rest :D
Hyper!Mal was extremely fun to write. Originally she splurged for another couple of pages (perhaps indicative of the authors state at the time of typing) but I managed to cut her down to the salient points. Eventually.
Now I need to go read the first part, as I seem to have missed it.
As for my daydreams, gah, I let myself get distracted enough with fan art -_- I just did a really sloppy comic thingy on DA that I took more time on than I should have.
Might there be a link to this wonderous comic? Inquiring minds are somewhat intrigued...
Mmm, caffeinated store molestation, that does sound good.
It's a good point you bring up about the narrative need to have it be a bad thing that Mal should get staked. I had real trouble with it when I was sketching out an "epilogue" for On Her Majesties Postal Service. Why would the Igors work so hard over a vampire if Mal could just be revived by a drop of blood. In the end I just didn't address it but left it to the reader to assume what they willed.
It's an annoying problem to be sure.
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