War of the Worlds: LJ vs. Xanga, Asian vs. Non-Asian, Men vs. Women!

Oct 15, 2006 22:51

A few months ago, I bookmarked this to discuss here and promptly forgot about it. :P Basically, the study implies that (pre-Myspace anyway) more Asian people choose Xanga, and more White people choose Livejournal. Of course, measuring ethnicity on either Xanga or Livejournal is about as accurate as the Nielsen ratings, but I do notice that 90% of my f-list are non-Asian. Meanwhile, nearly all my Chinese friends use Xanga. I have no idea why, but so much for the Chinese being smart. j/k! ;)

In another trend, I just realized that of the 37 people I've friended, only 9 of them are male! No, this isn't some kinda reverse-sexism or anything. I guess I've just friended far more women because they tend to write longer and more interesting journal entries. Case in point: I remember how I used to go through jetjapan to add more JETs and how many of the guys were making 1 - 4 sentence posts. The cool thing about my 9 male friends is that they often manage to exceed this limit. ;) (BTW, I have no prob with people making short posts, but when you're entire journal is short posts only -- I mean, life can't be *that* dull ;) )

Then again, you also have the population of LJ being made up of 67.6% female . . so much for men being sma--hey, waitaminute!

Do you notice similar trends or any other trends on your f-lists?

pondering, livejournal

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