Poll I learned tonight that I had lost my first student. My boss informed me that the
SAT kid didn't like me because I wasn't a real SAT professional coach. But I think it might've also been because I kinda pissed him off in the last class. He had written a SAT essay arguing for high school athletes skipping college and going straight to pro sports, citing Sidney Crosby and Wayne Gretzky as examples.
(FYI: Sidney Crosby is a 19 year old who has been playing for the NHL for a year. Gretzky you know. ;))
Me: "I think you would've been better off focusing on Gretzky since Sidney Crosby hasn't done as much and isn't as well known."
Student: "But EVERYONE knows Sidney Crosby! He has [list accomplishments]"
Me: "Honestly, before your essay I had never heard of Sidney Crosby, and you have to be aware that your marker might not know him either. For one, your marker is American and hockey isn't as popular in America. For two, your marker could be one of those old profs that doesn't watch any TV besides the news."
Student: "But he's all over the news! EVERYONE knows him!!"
Anyway, maybe I dragged this longer than I should, but I just wanted him to take the reader into account when he writes. And so, my explanation ticked him off. Eh, what can I say, maybe I'm just a hockey dunce who is unable to comprehend the awesomeness that is Sidney Crosby.
Oh well, I'm not sad about it or anything. I think he had really high expectations and is better off investing in a real coach rather than a guy who was just doing a favor for his boss. Me, I'm glad I don't have to teach SATs anymore. ^_^b