In his rare second appearance in one day, Kevin explains the NOOOOOOO!! above.
Olympics sure can make you depressed. I really, really, REALLY x 100 wanted Slutskaya to win Gold. I don't have an ounce of Russian in me, but I don't think I've cheered an athlete this much. She's gone through so much to make it to her third and final Olympic in the most difficult and competitive of all winter sports, and Gold would've been the perfect way to cap off a wonderful career. Just not enough happy endings in the world of sports.
Sure she won something, but c'mon, no one wants bronze. It's the brown medal . . I mean, it even shares 4 letters with brown! Maybe if it was more attractive-looking, this wouldn't smart so bad for bronze medal winners. Like amethyst or rose quartz. "And Slutskaya ends her career with the rose quartz." Nice ring. :)
I'm happy for Japan, for those JETs in Japan, I hope you like looking at Arakawa because she's going to be on TV for months and months. ;) It sure would've been sad for the Japanese not to win a medal that looks like it was
personally designed for them. ;)
But still, the perfect happy ending for me would be: Gold - Slutskaya, Silver - Suguri (who blew me away with amazing skate but ended up medalless), and BrownBronze - Arakawa. I like Cohen, but she's still young, fell twice, and I'm not sure how she still managed Silver (when Slutskaya fell only once! >< ). And unlike Cohen, this is likely the last Olympics for these three ladies, and wish they all could've walked away with what they came for. Oh well.
P.S. I really miss the old style of scoring. It was just so exciting when the announcer going "5.6, 5.9, SIX!" and everyone would cheer. And you could see how the countries were scoring, complain about country-bias, etc. ^^ The new system, they just flash two numbers quickly, and you get only one chance to cheer or boo. :P Plus, from
the looks of this (spoiler), it doesn't look like the judges are agreeing any more than before. Are they gonna apply this to other subjective sports like diving, too?