Currently airing here in Canada . . you can handle this, you have a stomach of steel. x_x
And there's sequels!! x___x I heard they're actually airing them during hockey games!! Can you imagine the kids sitting around the TV going, "Hey daddy who do you think's gonna win thekljal;kjsdlfjjal;k!!!" and being scarred for life. Heck, I'm not even that easily disturbed and this definitely disturbed me. And it's just a COMMERCIAL!!
Oh well, it does get the point across, though I'm hoping people have enough common sense to avoid these things (then again, I once ran into a non-moving, very visible metal pole during my time at Zellers :P)
BTW: I will be doing some major LJ catch-up soon. For my practicum, I'm teaching Shakespeare which is very difficult for me as a non-fan, plus I have 60 Shakespeare tests to mark for tomorrow! x____x But eh, it's been a fun and enlightening experience for the most part.