Jul 31, 2008 20:21
I wonder why people are so concerned with makin9g sure children believe that life can be fair. Balancing their scores when a fellow classmate gets a lower grade. This doesn't seem fair to another student and the grades are changed. Why is someone allowed to cut the line to get food? Why should the cutter get in trouble for doing so? It's not a nice thing to do but many people don't do nice things. There is no need to throw a temper tantrum about it. Then again, these temper tantrums seem to blow over quicker than a summer rain storm (those never do last long enough...). So what is the significance of a temper tantrum. Attention? Injustice? Insecurity? Why are people so concerned with making sure that children see the world as a fair place? Is it just so, once they reach adulthood, or semiadulthood, there is somewhere to knock them down from? A pedestal of perfect balance? A semblance of order that everyone is itching to scratch off to reveal the torrid corruption beneath the surface.
I'm getting a bit melodramatic aren't I.