Oct 18, 2012 00:24
Not sure how i stumbled upon live journal but i was reading posts and decided that i'd write a little. Things have changed times a thousand since i last posted. I am currently living in bradenton fl, working for verizon wireless, and living in an apartment with my cousin. I am dating a boy that i'm terribly in love with and raising a little kitty named Jupiter. As much as i still get down sometimes, things are pretty great. I feel content, well as content as i can. things are never going to be how i pictured it to be. I'm never going to be the size i want to be. (well maybe one day.. but that requires and little more motivation), i'm never going to have perfect hair, and things aren't going to happen exactly how i want it to happen. but i love the things in my life.
i feel lucky to have a job that is giving me experience and can lead to bigger and better things. I have the cutest lil Jup and he is my little baby. I wouldn't have made it in bradenton without him. I have friends close so i still get to have fun nights out with my college friends and I'm living with my cousin, so i have family in the room next to me. And kevin is amazing. i love him so much. we had our ups and downs and i'm sure we'll continue to have them, but how we deal with them makes me love him even more. he'll be around for while :) :)
Don't get me wrong things aren't 100% but i feel like its slowly getting better and I'm not having as many bad days like i used to. i still do have my days where kevin says he feels like i hate the world and he doesn't know what to do to make it better. i still have days where i just want to cry, for no reason and just feel like life would be better if it was over. but then i remember the good stuff :) and i "have a great life with a loving family and boyfriend... you have a job... so you're a little overweight?" --- what kev told me when an old lady at work asked if i was expecting and i ended up crying in the bathroom. haha old hag
times a changin,
jup love