Oct 14, 2005 02:21
so i asked a boy out on a date!!!!!!
1 - it was a liberating and empowering experience
2 - i felt like the shit afterwards
3 - i was so proud of myself for being gutsy
4 - once we started talking, all my nervousness and butterflies flew away... we have such good banter... we play off each other well
5 - i am so glad i learned something from the mistake from the summer
6 - he said yes.... well sort of.... a very non-definitive and vague yes.... which i guess is what i should expect from a pothead but whatever...
he said my cousin might be coming up and i said well i was going to ask you if you wanted to go to dinner saturday night and he said, well yeah, that'd be cool. let me figure out what's going on... then we chatted it up for a little bit and he left with hopefully i'll see you this weekend.
i think it's time for a 3 AM dance party.