Jul 08, 2005 19:56
Idaho-Nothing really.. good conversation perhaps?
Montana-Fudrucking in Butte, Sleeping in Bozeman rest area, Exploring Livingston (civilized ghost town while brian pseudo-slept) and seeing shitloads of deer, Jordan (creepy dustbowl town that we explored)
North Dakota-killer sunsets, tons of deer, painted canyon, sunsets should be mentioned again. we wrote a song to honor the mass amount of deer to the tune of "sunshine on my shoulders" by john denver!!:
deer in my headlights, makes me happy!
deer in my grill, makes me cry!
deer through my windshield, decapitates me!
deer almost always makes me die!
South Dakota-2 AM webcam shots in Corsica (www.corsicasd.com), cursing the existence of such a state as is south dakota
Minnesota-driving straight through the night, mighty mississipp
Wisconsin-cheese factory billboards
Illinois-Chicago is unbelievable, many a great trainrides to downtown, drinking liquored-up coffee on navy pier and stumbling about mumbling, watching batman on IMAX, brian's weird family (specifically, his aunt and her tea), many guitars played, getting lost over and over and over again driving and walking around downtown, seeing the SEARS tower which is an icon of awesomeness since my childhood.
Indiana-fucking toll highways, shitty rest areas, driving through night.
Ohio- SellOutState U.S.A, you have to pay for everything; on/off freeway all costs, rest areas (aka "travel plazas") are ridonkulously expensive for the most part. lame. pretty sunrise though, hard to mess that up though. sleeping in rest area
Pennsylvania-Appalachia rocks, killer mini-mountains all over the place, dozing on and off.
Maryland-shitty and hot
Washington D.C.-shitty traffic, no morale, getting pissed, shitty traffic.
Virginia-shitty til we got to Norfolk (see below)
Norfolk, Virginia-freaking awesome, oceans and bays in every direction, hanging out drinkin beers and chillin with a LCP YOUNG, going to Virginia beach on 4th of July weekend with mike and brian and exploring then ending up meeting a couple of awesome girls HOURS before we have to leave to Fla. Getting to know and hanging out with them. oxygen bars are possibly overrated, if not for awesome russian girls running them who mike takes a liking to. Conversing lightly with crazy southern people, truly my first southern experience of black people and fried chicken and raghead killin' marines. will never forget it...
North Carolina-it was a dark and stormy night..
South Carolina-it was a dark and stormy night.. saw a fucking plantation. saw signs for "waffle house", "winn dixie", and a plethora of other southern signature establishments for the very first time. freaked out.
Georgia-saw a hugeass cockroach crawling across the floor of a gas station in savannah. just generally looked around then left with lack of interest.
Florida- okay. first impression: (i have the most to write about this one because we're still here) hot, muggy, we stopped at a gas station right over the border and I spent probably an hour walking around it because there was literally a huge swamp surrounding it, I checked out all the weird bugs and tried to catch frogs and shit.. it was so hot.. second impression: i hate this place.. humidity sucks complete ass. third impression: josh (this guy we picked up in lake city to take to evan's) is fucking hilarious, and the state is just funny, "WE BARE ALL" billboards over t he place, southern-only joints all over the place. Orlando is rad (seebelow)
Orlando, Fla- awesome, everything is general fun.. lots of drinking.. getting hit on by and ending up hanging out with a weird really hot russian girl from jacksonville, canoing with alligators, frogs, turtles, and huge spiders. Rope swinging into tea-water (literally, the water was seasoned by a plant that grew in it) that was also infested with gators. lazy days with sunburns on my shoulder watching "carnivale season 1"
looking forward to: Hurricane Dennis, Dirty south, new orleans?, sun up to sun down in texas, Santa Fe NM (possibly my favorite city), arizona, the mighty desert, colorado, nevada, utah, oregon, home.