Here's some shit brian wrote
Gonzo Tourism: The Season of 54 Sunsets
By Brian Moreno
Day 1, Jun 22 05:
Entry: 4:13 PM
The day started like any other with exception to the phone call from my home boy Mike. After the phone call; after the shower, after turning off my alarm mid-shave, even after packing and leaving the apartment, I still felt complacent and not really excited about the month or so long quest my hetero-life-mate and I were taking. In a few hours he and I would be driving trans-nation doing god knows what god knows where. Women, alcohol, hours of driving, parties, rock climbing, and sleeping at rest areas. Who knew what was going to happen? I don’t. All I know is that we are traveling into the relatively unknown to us and without a goddamn clue. Am I excited now? Excited in the state of Montana? A little bit.
We’ve made it Montana as I mentioned and we stopped at a rest area to enjoy God’s grace and by that I mean some rocks and a creek. Brad and I took separate trails and I ended up scaling the rock wall about thirty feet to the right. Some blood and a broken toenail later we returned to our mode of transportation for juice and crackers. It sounds like a third grade field trip with too few chaperones, but I don’t feel like it. Nor do I really feel independent and satisfied in my accomplishments as an adult.
I’m scattered in my feelings because I’m not really sure what to expect out of this, I know this is confusing but Brad and I summed it up earlier.
The Gonzo theory about Expectations:
In a nut shell? Don’t have any.
My argument says that we get excited about a family trip or vacation or even a business trip because we know exactly how every little detail is going to be and everything is planned down to potty breaks and how many emergency diapers one needs. But with life, no one has expectations. One doesn’t know what is going to happen. One is entirely unsure and thus not excited because one doesn’t know just what the hell will occur on the trip. So much like life, this trip has a few goals and a few expectations but for the most part it lacks it.
On a brighter note the crackers are plentiful and its cool enough to drive with the windows down and yes dad I know that defeats the purpose of the ionizer. Don’t worry though, it smells surprisingly fresh in the car.
We have killed a manner of flying insects but no bunnies yet, which is odd considering we’re in Montana. I swear on the honor of flat bunnies past I will find one and claim it for the Moreno family.
Entry: 11:27 PM
We’ve stopped at a gas station just inside of Butte Montana. We played guitar for what seems like an hour or so just watching the people drive by. Everyone seems to look at us with almost a malcontent attitude. Like they’re saying “What do you have that’s so special eh?” We stared right back and continued to play guitar and sing songs about random shit that was scattered about. I’m almost certain God was laughing and singing along somewhere.
I’m going to bed in a minute, and by bed I mean I’m going to recline back while Brad drives like a coffee crazed madman into the night.
All is well here and I miss some people. Girl, guy, parents, siblings. I miss you the same as if I’m home but at least here I feel like I’m talking to you. Telling you whats on my mind without having to hold back because I’m uncertain about reactions or actions. Instead its as if you’re all inside the car and we’re discussing whats going on and how the weather is. And in case you’re wondering its warm but getting cooler throughout the night.
On that note I’m retiring for the night and will possibly write in the morning, and if not I’ll make a synopsis of the day some time in the evening. I hope I’m still the brightest firefly in your jar. Night.
*end day 1*
Day 2, Jun 23 05:
Entry: 10:03 AM
Trucks zooming by, rustling in the drivers seat, gravel spitting from tires, children crying, and the faint sound of an old movie are all I remember of the vague details while I attempted to sleep. Alas I have been sleeping in 45 minute intervals and am slowly reaching a normal amount of sleep. I’m not entirely sure what has all passed yet I seem to have this foggy vision of mountain-scape and small Stephen King like towns. It is clear in my mind without actually being clear. I remember the stops, what happened, how it happened, I think all I lack is a marker of time. I cannot truly explain to you but I feel as if I’ve been awake for hours but still resilient enough to feel energized by 6 or so hours of sleep.
We’ve come to many rest stops and even a photo moment but none that I’ve left the car for. The most I’ve done thus far is to roll over, moan, acknowledge the beauty of this land, and roll back into whatever the comfortable position I was in before waking up. I did however get up at the last stop which is why I decided to write because I feel somewhat conscious.
This gas station was nothing special, some place called “Lewis Town”. A small quaint little towns with hints of urbanization, this coming from someone who has groggily fallen back into consciousness with only a few moments to try to understand where he was. Though after not even a mile of leaving the city is is clear that there are farms, lots of farms, with brown horses and trees and possibly small children running in the fields with grass much higher than them. Perhaps I’m romantic in thinking so and everyones out working for whatever they can get because its Thursday and they wish to get to Friday. We however, have no real desire for any particular day of the week. We are Gonzo Tourists and we will act as such.
What is this gonzo tourism eh? Hunter S Thompson defined his writing as Gonzo Writing, in that he would go out and do whatever he felt like whenever he felt like and however he felt like. This would entail much consuming of alcohol, random drugs, and ending up doubly more random situations. So for us Gonzo Tourism is living in the moment and enjoying everything without deadline or pre-conceived notions towards anything. You know me and I will be consuming nothing more dangerous than a cough drop (ironically I’ve been developing a sneeze this morning) or anything that’s as harmful as I consume right now. IE: Cola products, unhealthy food, and fancy cheeses. Brad however I am interested to see how he reacts to getting tipsy and intoxicated when he isn’t in his environment. Am I studying his behavior? I think we’re all studying each other without really labeling it or being fully aware for that matter. “Oh yea, he’s a nice guy but when he’s drunk he can be quite rude, so stay away from him dear” that my friends is studying one’s behavior and reporting it to a council, though we choose to label it in terms of “well, this one night he got drunk and I don’t want my little sister to be anywhere near him when it happens”. So we’ll see what happens.
I’m not particularly sure what is going to happen today which is good, otherwise it wouldn’t really be Gonzo tourism would it? Brad made the smart move to not take the free way and take smaller more appealing back roads that add flavor and color to the journey. He mentioned watching a small family of deer at a rest stop this morning, the closest thing I think we would see on the freeway is a gaggle of construction workers eating lunch standing next to empty work vehicles and lines of traffic. But this again is a pre-conceived notion and point to fact the freeway may be romantically kicking our judgmental asses, but I feel we’ve taken the right path and that’s what matters.
The fields are green and dotted with small houses, trees and shrubs mark the plain with little attributes that make everything seemingly different than the last patch of landscape. There is a feeling here I know that I’m missing and I’m not sure how to label it. Though I know I’m not getting the full function of it. I can sense it somewhere floating in the background, a blissful sort’ve idea, not the kind that one touches or develops on the skin, more of a notion that you breathe. When one breathes this in they are swept with content and mountain air. Maybe I’m not there yet emotionally, perhaps it’ll take something more to push me over the edge, maybe its this damned stuffy nose which is repeatedly interrupting my breathing and typing to find my hankerchief. Although I will say this, in writing this I feel more content than I have with any of my other writing because this is the type of thing I always wrote about but never really experienced. I will continue later and discuss the details of the day.
Entry: 2:00 PM
We stopped a while ago in Jordan for a spell. It was a dustbowl town complete with cowboys and only a few houses. It was quiet and comfortable but left me wanting something more. Montana’s cities are not as modernized as those even in Washington or other states. Brad went to sleep and I drove from Jordan to Glendive. On the way I saw green velvet oceans. Wild landscapes filled with grass as far as the eye could see. They world had been turned upside down and I felt like a fish, but a fish in water. Suddenly I realized that the world isn’t so different and in fact we’re all the same, we simply live on different sides of the spectrum. The world is the same and I am left wanting.
We’re going to be in North Dakota soon, we’re roughly 20 miles from the border at a gas station that sells regular gas for $2.26 and plus gas for $2.20. We have the picture to prove it. So it sounds like we’ll be in Bismark by 6pm, I guess that’s what driving since four in the morning will get you. I’m tired and we have much land to travel. Adieu, Adieu.
Entry: 7:15 PM (9:15 pm CT)
We have stopped in Bismark North Dakota. We decided to go all the way and are an hour and a half from our first destination. Brad’s cousin is getting married in North Dakota and invited us out for the wedding, I don’t know all the details but there is a sort’ve “dorm” or hotel that we’re checking into tomorrow night for the wedding, and staying until the 26th. So tonight is just a night to catch up on sleep.
Not much else happened on the road other than the rav started to have some trouble probably because we were overdriving it. I did find a flat bunny though, so that was accomplished.
The hotel we’re staying at is 38 dollars a night. Cheap, run down, but intact. The room is that kind of bland color that hasn’t been repainted in a while, the lamps have plastic, the counter unkempt, and everything outdated and poor. I feel so snobbish because I’ve never really slept anywhere cheaper than a holiday express, I think the lowest I’ve hit is a super 8 and those are rather nice. However, I don’t feel bad about this hotel room nor do I hate it. I am complacent. It is musty and warm though the AC is starting to kick in. There are a few bugs in the shower though not big enough to worry me. I think though I am going to take a shower because my appearance is getting quite scary.
My hair is tattered and convoluted in a manner that no barber in his right mind would tackle the job. My skin is almost equally as oily as my hair and there is grime buildup on my feet. Curious that this is only one days worth of dirt and oil yet I feel so gross. My clothes are clean though my body is not and I’m stuck feeling as if I’m out of my element, but I’ve never been more comfortable in it. I’m on a teeter totter of feelings and find myself wanting to get somewhere comfortable but at the same time I’m ok with where I am. I feel something and yet I feel another which is the total opposite. I cannot really describe what this is or how it feels but I continue to sit here wanting. Wanting what I ask myself? I don’t know. I want to feel as passionate as I have in my writings, the bitter romantic struggling for peace and love and acceptance from everyone. Interestingly enough this is only the second day of our quest and I’m still trying to sort myself out. I don’t think I should be looking for peace or comfort, rather doing what I’m doing and exploring all options of reason and picking the path I see fit. I’m going to go kill those bugs now and scrub myself thoroughly in the shower with all matter of cleansing products.
Entry: 8:52 PM (10:52 CT)
I felt ten times better after the shower and am feeling about half that right now. Probably because I’m tired and didn’t manage to get a hold of someone on the phone. I hate leaving voicemails. We purchased a phone card so we’ll be keeping contact through that. I figured all text messages and voicemails would be welcome that way I could call back through a payphone.
We walked around and talked to various people, I’m not searching for anything tonight. Point to fact I’m happy just with my Dr. Pepper and Peanut Butter Sandwich. So since this entry isn’t what it started out to be I’ll just end it. Brad and I were watching “Primary Colors” and that absorbed whatever articulation I had before I opened the laptop. The movie is great because it illustrates the Clinton campaign and what it started for. Good, everything was to make the change and it came at a cost. He messed up and things had to be covered up, but I believe in the end he really straightened out and did what he wanted to do.
*end day 2*
Day 3, Jun 24 05:
Entry: 10:05 AM (12:05 PM CT)
Spirits are high due to our staying in a motel and having a bed to sleep on. Brad chose the floor with a sleeping bag and I took the bed. Cautious was I to check for bugs and ticks because I’m naïve and believe that some manner of creature would disturb my sleep and cause a very unhappy awakening. After removing bed spread with drops of blood I slept comfortably on the well inspected white sheets draped over the mattress. Waking only at 6 and 9 I am feeling rather refreshed especially with a piping hot shower.
We spent the morning charging the laptop because sometime during the night the power was cutoff and drained the battery entirely. Thus I have but 45% left from this morning and will have to use that at discretion to conserve power.
We’re now at a cyber café in Bismarck North Dakota. We have yet to leave to where Brad’s cousin is getting married. The internet is okay and there is a shortage of any attempts to communicate with me which makes me somewhat sad but not entirely surprised.
Sometime today we will take off and I’ll write something interesting about the road. Until then, adieu.