Movies, Movies, MOVIES GALORE!!!

Jul 31, 2005 19:27

Ok, I guess I shouldn't have said galore, unless you consider 2 movies to equal a galore but what the hey...

Anywho, I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory yesterday with one of my closest friends and I LOVED LOVED LOVED it. It is such a stoner's movie, LOL. And the Oompa Loompas were just awesome, no wait, I take it back - they were awesome plus pi because their song and dance routines were teh shiitake mushrooms. I also liked the new ending better than the old one because it provided some closure. In the original, they're in the elevator in the sky and then the next thing you know, credits are rolling. WTF? It's like, that's it? You had to have felt somewhat gipped when you first it. Some of the things that disappointed me was the tunnel scene - it didn't creep the fuck out of me like the original one did and the lack of mentioning snozberries. All in all the movie was great but I feel like I'm forgetting something...

*snaps fingers*

Oh, yes. I fucking love Johnny Depp and I wish he sang the songs. *sigh*

As for the movie I saw today, I was a bit disappointed.

Asian martial arts movies. Gotta love 'em. Must be the violence and all those moves that would never work in real life unless you somehow figured out a way to defy gravity.

Howeyver, they really really need to work on plot development. At least, this one did. The beginning was really cool (Zhang Ziyi is absolutely gorgeous), and pretty solid. You knew where everything was going for the most part and then the romance kicked in, screwing everything up.

Fucking love triangles. They're the heart of soap operas, I'm telling ya.

I mean, you start out with a corrupt government trying to find out where a rebel group is (of course you'll be routing for the rebel group) and the movie ends with a dead Zhang Ziyi being held by her lover and her killer (her lover's ex-best friend who blames both of them for killing her, WTF?!) stumbling into the woods gravely wounded by his ex-best friend. My dad and I were giggling at that last fight scene because

1) one guy had a dagger buried into his back and it didn't seem to effect him at all in the fight


2) the seasons changed (from fall to winter) while they were fighting. Are the fighters on crack?

I even predicted that the ex-best friends would kill each other and die simultaneously because it looked like it was going in that direction. They didn't, but lord knows they've sliced each other enough times. And speaking of dying, Zhang Ziyi took so long to do so!! Siriusly!!! A dagger is thrown into what seems to be her heart and she falls down, mouth dripping with blood, pressumingly dead. But nooooooooooo. A good while later, she gets up, threatens one of the guys who loves her that if he killed the one she loves, she would kill him and die in the process because she'd be taking the dagger out of her chest. Anyway, he doesn't kill her lover but she takes the dagger out of her chest and throws it at a tree. What purpose does that serve?!?! So she falls down, once more presssumingly dead, and her lover takes her into his arms crying. Once again, she opens her eyes, talks to him a for a bit and finally dies. Finite movie. How depressing.

Another thing these movies need to work on: the kissing. I keed you fucking not. At one point, the one guy who's in love with Zhang Ziyi seems as if he's trying to eat her face, LOL. I'm a girl, for Christ's sakes!!! I'm supposed to be sighing and wish I was in Zhang Ziyi's place, not laughing my fucking ass off, thanking all that's holy I'm not her. Tell me how that's romantic. Please, I'm dying to know.

But I do encourage you to watch it just because of the fight scenes because the director makes them art. Absolutely lovely.


Happy Birthday Harry. ;)
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