Feb 15, 2005 20:26
so its basically official........there is going 2 be a sign language club and its going 2 start the week after break
i already talked 2 koch and we have a staff advisor and a room all we need now is 2 have the first official meeting and have a semi definite number of ppl that are interested in the club
koch even had an idea of t-shirts so we can do a fundraiser and such
im so excited this is going 2 be a lot of fun
jw looks really good for totalling a car he might even go home this week and will be back in school the week after break so he'll be at the first meeting
i figure i'm also way 2 involved w/ school especially cuz i'm considering doing the spring play.......... its a secret as 2 what it is but i'm way excited cuz there is going 2 be a dancing part so i can still do softball
right now i have like nothing 2 do before all this starts but everythings going 2 start at once and again my life will be extremly hectic
i'll have softball, model un, dvo club, and sign language club, and possibly the play then finishing up my youth basketball team travel softball thats rediculous but hey you can sleep when your dead
this is all going 2 definitly make the rest of jr year go by extremly fast
i cant believe its almost spring.....softballs starting in 2 1/2 weeks
i'm so excited for allergy season minus the allergy's wow i'm such a dork
right now i basically never have homework....watch me eat my words soon and have tons of it
i'm so content right now w/ my life i'm just waiting for something extremly bad 2 happen cuz this is so not normal for me
the only thing that could totally top all of this off and make me happier prob would be a boyfriend but at the same time would make it so much more stressfull so mayb not a good idea yay for flip flopping
i'm gonna go find something random 2 do to amuse myself considering i'm bored maybe find something shiney 2 look at