Jan 12, 2010 02:02

So I'm sitting in a hotel room in Indiana completely unable to sleep due to a combination of the HVAC unit being made from recycled jet engines and the security lighting sneaking through the blinds of my exterior-facing room. At least the fact that I'm across from the 24/7 fitness center hasn't caused any issues at this point in the evening.

I've pretty much resigned myself to being unable to sleep for most of this trip without the assistance of medication, so I've been flooding Twitter with microblogging updates and I'm posting my first random brain-spew in 28 weeks on LJ.

You know what I miss from LJ that modern blogs/microblogs (Facebook) don't have? Proper geotagging. LJ actually has more information about where I am than I'm okay with, but at least I can share a little information about my continental meanderings.

I kind of hope I can find food in the morning before 9 hours of class, but it's two in the morning and keeping to my schedule well enough for that to happen seems less and less likely.

This is going to be even more terrible in my trip to California...
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