Feb 03, 2006 09:05
A lot a crazy stuff happened yesterday, but none of it came close to what started at about noon.
I'm in my friend El's room, and she had been having problems with mice. So she had called in the university pest control service, and some guy had come in and put down those sticky mouse traps. I was chillin' there, studying theatre history, where El had commented that she thought she had heard squeaking earlier. I decided to check around the kitchen, and low and behold, I found a little mouse stuck in a sticky trap.
Anyway, the little guy was still alive, and I felt really bad. El suggested that I go outside, and peel him off. Well, I decided that was a good plan, until I got outside and realized just how sticky this stuff was. Like, if my hand got stuck, I would have to really work to get it off. And the whole side of the mouse's body was stuck on. Well, I got a jackknife, and I began lifting the glue stuff up (very careful not to further injure the mouse). I managed to get his head unstuck, and I put a little sheet of paper between his head and the glue so that he wouldn't get it re-stuck.
At this point, I had already invested 20 mins. into the mouse. It was looking really bad. I had no idea how I was gonna remove the rest of him from the surface, and thoughts of "how can I humanly kill this guy" started going through my head. But I really didn't want to give up. I struck me that the glue might be water-based. So I rushed the mouse back into my room, and got some lukewarm water in a bowl. I lowered the mouse, who was freaking out, into the water, making sure to keep his head up. After waiting a while, I took him back out and discovered that this was a really good idea.
Almost an hour after I had first discovered the mouse, I finally removed his last leg from the sticky trap. There was still a large chunk of glue and paper stuck to his side, because I decided that because of how much he started squirming when he regained control of his all his legs, it would be too risky to directly remove it. So I cut around the mouse paper. At the end of the day, I felt the procedure went well, and I kept the mouse, who I was calling Stickey, in a plastic bin until I could take the rest of the glue and paper off.
By the evening, Stickey has chewed off all of the remaining paper, so I tossed in a little more food, and went to bed. In the morning, I relocated him to the park near my school, and released him into the wild.
So that’s the end of my tale. The mouse lived, and I will forever hate sticky traps. Hope all is well with y’all. Ciao!