This One's a Rant of Woe

Jan 11, 2006 23:23

ugh x a bazillion

I just ate for the first time in 12 hours. That, I suppose, would be reasonable if 8 or more hours had been spent sleeping. But no, I went on my jolly little fast from 11:00 am until 11:00 pm. But Patrick, why? - you ask in sympathetic tones. Callbacks.

Don't get me wrong, it was really good to get called back for as many parts as I did. I think four different roles in two different plays is a new record for me. However, it means that I had callbacks from 5:15 until 10:45. They actually started at 5:00, but I was comming right from Italian (which I was late to because I was comming right from Co-op class, which I was also late for because I was trying to get a chance to look at the scenes I'd be running for callbacks). Wait, let's backtrack for a second...

I got up at 6:00 am to cook Dene breakfast ('cuz I'm a really really nice human being). I left my dorm room at 8:45. Then...

...I went to Comperative Government
...I went to American Government
...I grabbed a quick lunch at the caf
...I tired to shop at the bookstore
...I went to Theatre History
...I checked the call backs list
...I looked at the scenes for call backs
...I ran to co-op class and was still 10 mins. late
...I ran to Italian II and was only 2 mins. late
...I ran to call backs and was between 15 and 30 mins. late
...I stayed in callback hell for nearly 6 hours
...I returned to my room at 11:00, more then 15 hours after leaving for class.

Okay, this was a pretty pointless entry of woe. Now I'm going to bed, and feeling bad about all the homework that I wasn't able to do, then waking up and doing this whole thing (minus callbacks and cooking for Dene) over again. Amen.
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