In the name of all things holy!

Aug 28, 2006 20:23

My life is constantly being disrupted! First, the house full of people and having to share my bed! Then, I'm dragged off to some place near Chicago where strangers attempt to pet me and I'm forced to cuddle between Mommy and this person who is now her male. Then, we go home and a few days later there's another house full of people and AGAIN I'm forced to share my bed. THEN, Mommy LEAVES me to run off and see her male by herself! Without me! The Woman Who Gives Me Food stayed at my house and brought her dog, whom I like for the most part. She's a bit shy but nice enough. i had to spend the entire weekend under the bed, only venturing out when I thought I heard chips being eaten and when Woman Who Brings Me Treats/Devil Woman 2, showed up. And she brought me treats so it was worth it.

Mommy assures me there will be no further disruptions for a little bit. Grandmommy is supposed to be out this coming weekend but I won't have to share my bed with her. Unlike that wretched male. He takes all the attention away from ME! I will destroy him first once I dominate the world. Yes, I must double, no triple, my efforts and devise a plan that will work quickly instead of just one person at a time. In fact, I have an idea brewing already. Yes, yes, that could work nicely...
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