(no subject)

Jan 04, 2007 14:20

Please if your gonna shit over my happeiness at least give me warning to cover up.
Ive meet more than one bullshitter in my life before, and am not about to let some more come in. The truth comes out in the end, so why not save the trouble and TELL THE FUCKING TRUTH FIRST!
My overall veiw of you all was a good one, you were all lovely welcoming and friendly, but i suppose all you need to do is look abit deeper than the surface to see the real person.
Friendship leavals shouldn't be run my myspace top whatevers, its not only sad its boring aswell. Oh were will i be today, is it the more i talk to you the higher up i go. Sorry but my friendship isn't gonna be like that. All what you 'nice' people brought up was something ive already spoken about to him, twice before. So we didn't reallllly need you bringing up all over again, but then if you enjoy stiring shit then your gonna bring it up. Thanks.
What i do in my spare time is up to me.It manily consists of smoking weed seeing clare sometimes seeing natalie orr doing college work, and i spent over a week with him so PLEASE tell me when id have time to go off with other guys. OH you cant thought not.
Me texting my ex has fuck all to do with you either which i have no idea why your getting invold in it. Also telling you he's texted me is something i should of kept to myself but it wasn't anything bad like ive killed someone or something.
I do remember you telling me certain amount of stuff thou, inc pregnacy,ex's and stuff alone them lines. You should know whatever you do will come back on you so becareful when you run your mouth off.
In future i'll be carefull who i class as my friends purly cos' most of you are a bunch of hypacritical wankers. Im also so fed up of saying sorry, i obvioulys care alot about you if i said sorry but nicly you just didn't show any signs of me saying sorry and ignored me thanks. If i confront you don't run and hide just talk im hardly going to smash your head in as much as am pissed off at you, simple explanations don't hurt.
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