I have recently met a nice woman at SVEC who is into sustainable living. She saw my healing goddess necklace and said, "We may have more in common than I thought."
Anyway, she's nice and has had her share of encounters with the fundies at SVEC. One once said no one should play Guitar hero because it was about the "Devil's music." (I didn't even know he was in a band.) Her son said that it wasn't an issue for him because they don't believe in the devil. The fundies moved their seats a little away.
Another time, her son was pinged for saying "heck" with the explanation that it was a cuss word for hell. Whatever. He (I am loving this kid) said that it wasn't about hell and he didn't belive in hell anyway.
She has put up posters for Peace Village
www.peacevillageinc.org/ that have been removed. She offered a teenager looking for summer work a job. His parent within him when they saw "how she was."
Check out her website
www.songcroft.com/ and see "how she is."