Everyone should come to the Token Lounge tonight. If not for the bands, then to chill with me! Hehe
Have you ever...
01. Fallen for your best friend? My best guy friend
02. Made out with JUST a friend? yepp
03. Been rejected? plenty
04. Been in love? No.
05. Been in lust? many many many times, and I will again
06. Used someone? not intentionally
07. Been used? of course
08. Cheated on someone? Never.
09. Been cheated on? Yeah :*(
10. Been kissed? Damn Skippie
11. Done something you regret? Very Much So
Who was the last person...
12. You touched? Fiona
13. You talked to? Amboo
14. You hugged? Zac
15. You instant messaged? Amboo
16. You kissed? Becca Lol
18. You yelled at? My dad
19. You laughed with? I dunno
20. You had a crush on? Jake -_-
21. Who broke your heart? Im going to ignore this.
Do you..
22. Color your hair? Not
23. Have tattoos? nope
24. Have piercings? ears and my bellie soon
25. Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both? Yeppers
26. Floss daily? no lol.
27. Own a webcam? uhuh.
28. Ever get off the damn computer? sometimes.
29. Eat meat? Yeah
30. Habla espanol? Me no speak espanol
40. Considered a life of crime? All the time
41. Considered being a hooker? oH man!
42. Considered being a pimp? I already am!
43. Are you psycho? Im sure
44. Split personalities? nope, jus mood swings.
45. Schizophrenic? My voice are telling me to say no.
46. Obsessive? not at all
47. Obsessive compulsive? Hehe no but I know someone who is *smile*
48. Panic? Occasionally
49. Anxiety? Nope
50. Depressed? Well kinda. I dunno.
51. Suicidal? Nope
52. Obsessed with hate? No
53. Dream of mutilated bodies? Um no.
54. Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them? Yet again Um No
55. If you could be anywhere, where would you be? Somewhere lyin gon a beach with someone
56. What would you be doing? You dont wanna know lol.
58. What are you listening to? Thursday.
59. Can you do anything freakish with your body? Uhuh, my little leg thing seems to be wierd to people hmm.
60. Chicken or fish? Chicken.
61. Do you have a favorite animal? Panda or A nazi bunny lol.
62. Is hot kinky sex the best thing in the world? I Honestly wouldnt know, but more than likley yep.
Current Clothes: Pink pj bottoms and My bert anf ernnie shirt.
Current Mood: Childish
Current Music: Thursday
Current Taste: Brownie
Current Hair: Wet and straight.
Current Annoyance: my burnt finger.
Current Smell: um...air? candels
Current thing I ought to be doing: dressing
Current Desktop Picture: A star
Current Favorite Group: I dunno.
CurrentBook: Harry potter5 Current DVD In Player: Im not sure, Maid in Manhatten?
Current Color Of Toenails: red!
Current Refreshment: Coke
Current Worry: Penis
Current Favorite Celebrity: Mathew Lilard, Vin Desile, Jhnonny Depp.
Food: Chicken or Brownie
Drink: Faygo.
Color: Blue and purple. Shoes: Chucks maybe Roos.
Candy: Kit Kat.
TV Show: One Tree Hill & Gilmore Girls.
Movie: O wow way to many.
Vegetables: Celery
Fruit: strawberries
Understanding: Yeah
Open-minded: Very
Arrogant: I dunno.
Insecure: Yea
.Interesting: Not at all.
Hungry: yeah
Friendly: can be
Smart: Except in math.
Moody: lol.
Childish: I can be
Independent: Very Very Very.
Organized: Not in the least. Have you seen my locker?
Healthy: Nope
Shy: Nah
Difficult: hehe
Bored Easily: Try Easily Amused.
Thirsty: No Responsible: I can be
Sad: Kinda
Happy: Kinda
Trusting: Nope
Mentally Ill: Im a Manic Depressive.
Talkative: Yeah big time.
Original: I geuss
Different: sure
Unique: Sometimes.
Lonely: yes
Kill: There are a few
Slap: lots of people.
Look Like: I dont know, someone who is pretty.
Be Like: Me!
Talk To Offline: Fiona
On preferences...
Chocolate milk or hot chocolate? Hot
McDonalds or Burger King? B.K
Marry the perfect lover or the perfect friend? Both.
Sweet or sour? Sweet
Root Beer or Dr. Pepper? Root beer
Sappy/action/comedy/horror? Comedy
Ocean or Pool? Pool
Cool Ranch or Nacho Cheese? Cool Ranch.
Mud or Jell-O wrestling? Jello!!!
With or without ice-cubes? without
Shine or rain? I have to say shine
Winter/Summer/Fall/Spring? Summer.
Vanilla or Chocolate? Chocolate
Snowboarding or Skiing? Snowboarding
Cake or cookies? Cake
Cereal or toast? Cereal.
gloves or mittens? MITTEN!
Fly or breathe under water? Fly.
Bunk-bed or waterbed? water bed
Chewing gum or hard candy? gum
Motor boat or sailboat? whatever
What's your favorite:
Number? 4 or 56
Holiday? X-mas
Radio station? 89x
Place? With people I like.
Flower? Rose
Scent? Guys who smell nice.