stole this from Nick

Jun 16, 2004 22:10

What's your name?: Jessi
When's your birthday?: June 20th
How old are you?: 13
What school do you go to?: Benton.. Hylton next year =\ ((hah Gilly n CCBB.. bulldawgz!))
What grade are you in?: 8th
Where are you from?: Virginia
What's your gender?: female
Do you have any siblings?: nope
Do you have any pets?: yeah
If so, how many?: 2.. a dog n a kittie cat!
Are your parents still together?: nope
Do you have a big family?: i guess if u count cuzins n aunts n stuff
What's your favorite band?: HIM.. def.
What's your favorite genre of music?: rock n stuff
What's your favorite group?: HIM.. duh?
What's your favorite male singer?: uhh.. Ville Valo
What's your favorite female singer?: dont have one
Do you like AFI?: yeah.. just a few songs tho
Do you like Hoobastank?: nope
Do you like Alkaline Trio?: idk.. never herd em
Do you like Green Day?: uhh no
Do you like Korn?: just one song
Do you like Bad Religion?: duh.. hah they make me wanna dance
Do you like Thrice?: nope
Do you like The Distillers?: idk never listened to them
Do you like punk?: some of it's ok
Do you like rock?: yeah
Do you like country?: no
Do you like rap?: a few songs
Do you like pop?: no.. bsides venga boys which i guess is pop? idk
Do you like any other kinds of music??: yes
If so, which kinds??: hardcore
*More Basics*
What's your eye color?: hazel
Do you like it?: no
What's you hair color?: dirrtay blonde ;)
Is your hair long or short?: long i guess
What style is your hair?: straight?
How tall are you?: 5'2 i thnk
How much do you weigh?: 95
Are you satisfied with yourself?: not really
If you could change something about you, what would it be?: alot
What is your favorite thing about yourself?: im not sure
What is your least favorite thing about yourself?: alot
Do you like peanut butter?: eww no
Do you like coffee?: yeah
Which of your friends is the....
sluttiest?: hah idk i dont hang out with whores
nicest?: erika def. and victor n katie n ccbb
most forgiving?: erika.. cuz i get mad too easily n she always forgives me
most understanding?: erika again
best at giving advice?: erika def.
smartest?: katie
most talented?: erika.. hah gosh she's like every one of these thngs
best singer?: erika
most likely to become famous?: guess who.. ERIKA
most likely to become an actor/actress?: no one? i dont like drama geeks
most likely to become a rock star?: noone
most outgoing?: erika n ccbb
most shy?: idk
loudest?: erika n ccbb
quietest?: i dont kno
dumbest?: noone
blondest?: katie hah
prettiest?: erika and ccbb n katie
one you're most jealous of?: lol erika i guess n ccbb n katie rawr cuz they're all so pretty!
sexiest?: Gilly
one you would: one i would wut?
hardest to say goodbye to?: Gilly erika ccbb
*Love Life*
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: yes
If you do, do you like them?: duh.. or else he woodnt b my boyfrend
Do you love them?: yes.. very very much =)
What's their name?: Gilly
How far have you gone with them?: why?
How far do you want to go with them?: idk
How far will you go with them?: i dont kno
Do you like anyone of the same sex?: no.. im straight
Do you ever fantasize about your friends?: gross.. no
Have you ever kissed the opposite sex?: yes
Have you ever kissed the same sex (and no I don't mean family!)?: yea wen i was little
Have you ever been in love?: yes
Have you ever had your heart broken?: duh
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yes
What's the farthest you have gone?: u just asked that
Are you a virgin?: yup
If so, why?: bcuz im only 13 stupid
How many boyfriends/girlfriends have you had?: idk
How old were you when you had your first kiss?: idk
How old were you when you lost your virginity?: i havent yet
Who was the best kisser?: idk
Do you enjoy sex?: idk yet
Who was the best?: idk yet
Who was the worst?: stupid.. i DONT KNO YET
Who do you want to have sex with the most?: idk
Who do you want to have sex with the least?: a girl.. cuz that's nasty
Have you ever had anal sex?: eww
If so, why???: thats gross
Have you ever had oral sex?: nope
Have you ever thought about somebody else while having sex?: i woodnt kno yet
Have you ever been bored with sex?: i woodnt kno
Have you ever faked an orgasm?: that's a stupid question
Have you ever orgasmed?: no
Have you ever had sex with a person you didn't know?: no
Have you ever had a one night stand?: no
Have you ever been dumped after going out with someone for less than a day?: nope
How many times have you been dumped?: idk
How many people have you dumped?: idk
Next time!
Have you ever.....
laughed so hard you cried?: yes.. lots of times.. like almost every day lol
laughed so hard any liquid came out of your nose?: hah yeah.. it was gross
farted during class?: eww no
farted and blamed it on someone else?: that's gross
picked your nose?: when i was an itty bitty Jessi
picked your nose and been caught?: gross i dont pick my nose
picked your nose and ate your boogers?: yuck.. that's nasty
picked your nose, ate your boogers, and got caught?: no bcuz i DONT PICK MY NOSE!
stolen anything?: when i was little
cried for no reason at all?: yeah.. plenty of times
killed someone?: no im not a murderer
loved someone?: yeah
loved someone so much it hurt?: of course
hated someone so much it hurt?: yup
wanted to kill somone?: yeah
wanted to kiss someone?: duh stupid
gone cowtipping?: no bcuz it's mean cuz cows r cool
gone TP'ing?: nope
snuck out?: no.. there's no reason to
ran away?: no
been humped by a dog?: yes
been humped by any animal?: umm i just sed yeah
smoked?: no
done any illegal drugs?: no cuz that's gay
drank?: only like a sip
gotten drunk?: hah yeah
gotten so drunk you puked everywhere?: nope
gone to a concert?: yes
gone to Warped Tour?: no
seen the movie The Pest?: never herd of it so i guess not
gotten in a fist fight?: hah yeah well kinda..
punched someone in the face?: yup
been punched in the face?: no
wanted to punch someone in the face?: yes
been kicked in the nuts?: i dont have nuts
kicked someone else in the nuts?: yes
kicked yourself in the nuts?: i dont have nuts.. n how wood guys kick themselves in the nuts?
licked your elbow?: no its impossible
tried to lick your elbow?: yea.. plenty of times
licked your foot (or someone else's for that matter)?: no thats gross
had the chickenpox?: nope
had the chicken pox 3 or 4 times (cause I have!)?: nope
gotten annoyed because this survey is really long and pretty lame?: not really.. im just tired of typing
*This or That*
mountain dew or mountain dew code red: mountain dew.. code red is nasty
pepsi or coke: coke?
sprite or sierra mist: sprite
diet coke or diet pepsi: i dont drink diet crap
dr pepper or root beer: dr.pepper
girls or boys: boys
love or lust: love
trick or treat: treat
give me something good to eat or ill pull down your underwear: yeah ok..
starbucks or dr conkeys: starbucks .. wut is dr.conkey's?
grand theft auto III or vice city: vice city i guess
lord of the rings or matrix: uhh neither
the hot chick or the animal: the hot chick! me n ashalayy's fav movie
south park or celebrity deathmatch: southpark cuz cartman is cool
alkaline trio or afi: afi
postal service or yellowcard: yellow card
thrice or thursday: thursday?
bad religion or the ramones: bad religion
the vines or thie hives: the vines
the darkness or the rasmus: the darkness
smile empty soul or finch: smile empty soul
korn or zao: korn
the strokes or the used: the used?
hoobastank or incubus: incubus
modest mouse or franz ferdinand: BOTH!! ahh i love them!.. but prolly modest mouse
NoFx or STUN: NoFx
distillers or reggie and the full effect: idk
sublime or nirvana: nirvana
all american rejects or simple plan: all american rejects.. i used to like simple plan
white stripes or mitch: white stripes
hot hot heat or coheed and cambria: COHEED AND CAMBRIA!! hah i love them
switchfoot or anti-flag: switchfoot
chevelle or foo fighters: chevelle
old blink 182 or new blink 182: new
old metallica or new metallica: old
me or you: you
this survey is lame or this survey rocks my socks: i dont kno
Band?: HIM
Color?: purple
Food?: candy
Drink?: sprite
Drug?: none
Alchoholic beverage?: none
Person?: Gilly n Erika n CCBB n Katie
Religion?: idk
Place?: Maryland
Vacation spot?: Jamaica heh ash..
Animal?: monkey
Theme park?: king's dominion
Restaurant?: dunno
TV show?: Jackass
Time period?: now?
Electronic?: comp.
Chat tool? (AIM, ICQ, Yahoo, etc...): AIM
Candy bar?: Snickers
Kind of chocolate?: idk
Body part?: idk
*Least Favorite*
Band?: Good Charlotte
Color?: Poop Brown
Food?: Peanut Butter
Drink?: nething Diet
Drug?: everything
Alcholic beverage?: VODKA!
Animal?: spiders
Theme park?: idk
Restaurant?: idk
TV show?: Newlyweds
Movie?: SeaBiscuit
Time period?: a long time ago
Electronic?: walkie talkies
Chat tool?: yahoo
Candy bar?: idk
Chocolate?: milk chocolate
Body part?: feet
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