May 28, 2005 22:27
haha so I hear kt is getting a restrainig order against me? I love how they act like tough mature people. When deep down inside there so weak. Calina has to smoke weed and drink just to be able to stand up to her fucking gf im sorry but thats sad. And they act like there the best couple when I cant even count how many times they have fist fought because Calina has left kt to go buy weed. Like when she made kt walk home because well Calina had to guy buy weed. Arent these the sings of a drug addict I think so. I just think its sad, how calina is kts little puppet. I dont even go around kt so I dont know what its for, maybe because shes affriad I would kick the shit out of her? Maybe maybe. haha thats sad. She can talk a bunch of shit but when it comes down to it she doesnt do shit. And im just glad I have alone time and I dont have to hear how much she hates everything! Jesus get a grip! Anyway its nice not to feel like the 3rd wheel =D and I just have my women.
who is amazing. They were just jealous because I wasnt hanging out with them all the time. And oh my god I cared about someone else besides them! uh oh she better get online soon. Shes still in nj but coming home tomorrow =D
Lifes a rollercoaster but I am not strapped in!