Jun 02, 2004 20:13
Lately things have sucked big time, with the exception of Saturday. Had a great time talking with my friend Eric. But with most friends things have sucked. I had a cool friend but now I'm a burdon...It always happens I think I'm going to have a good friend but then I guess I get annoying and they are always "busy" and can't talk. I always end up losing friends I should be used to it by now, but it never gets easier....I guess I should just go live in a little cave on my own uncharted island. Not too many people would miss me, and I would have fun in a cave, I would make cave paintings and years from now people would go there and be like "Wow a girl once lived here, and didn't have any friends what a loser" So at least I will be known (sorry about the random story). Anyway, besides being rejected from friends not much has happened....So I will leave this stupid post BIE