Feb 23, 2006 20:55
wow it sure has been the worst couple of weeks ever!! i found out i have a broken heart(literally) and all my nerves r shot! things are so crazy right now i just want "old" life back, the one when everything was perfect and all my friends were really my friends, and guys werent so stupid and weird!my stomach is doing funny stuff. but i did have a really good day toay just ot a good night, we went on the funnest feild trip ever: first we went to crakel barrel then we went to the golden flake factory, the traveled to vestavia to Pinted BY U(a potery place) and got to paint really cool stuff, ate luch,looked at dresses, WENT SHOPPING, AND MORE SHOPPPING! then we came home! so it was an ok day i guess.... well gotta sleep the pain away.... love yall 4 free!!