Apr 06, 2005 22:03
Well today started out good. then Tiff came home carrying a hylserical Jazzmine. It was so sad. Her classmate and bestfriend died today of a brain tumor. Talk about stunned, upset and jsut lost. Yeah. Hard, very hard. She is so upset lost. It hurt worse whebn she told me she was the only one taken into the hall to be told by the cousnler while the rest of hte class was told together. they knew jazz was going to lose it. TO make matters worse, last week during shcholl she got into trouble for makeing Taylor a book during class. Well, that same night i was tolld about it at partent teacher confereneces. So i told her to stop making stuff ofor Tyalor tho i understaood she meant well. ANd now she is dead. I feel awful, i cant fathom loosing a child and i feel so bad for her mom and i just cant take it right now. Poor Jazz. She is so heartbroken and there is no pain in life then seeing your child cry from a broken heart and ask why didnt the docotros do more? I feel broken right now and to know we stil have a fineral to face is just heavy and it s just all sad. I have cried ever since she came home. then i found the book she had started for taylor after she went to sleep. Man, i feel llike a terrible mom. Why does it have to be death? and why must taylor and her class go thruoght this? they are only 3rd graders and most are only 8. I lost my mom at 17 and was scarred, i cant imagine how traumatizing this si for jazz and her classmates. it jsutbreaks my heart. I just had to vent and get this out, i am hoping tomorw looks better but I am also scared at how she si going to do at schoool tomoow. Please keep Jazzmine and Taylor's family in your prayers if you read this. Thanks, Cheer