Feb 17, 2005 22:08

Sooo.....I did it..............i cut my hair! I like it, but at first it was really hard to sit there and watch my hair get cut off....BUT IS WAS SO WORTH IT! Yeah and whatever to those of you who are mad and are going to be mad at me for cuting my "long hair" (whatever) it's not that big of a deal i like and thats all that counts.....so boo to you! Tear Tear Tear Tear TEAR!!! School is back in 3...2..1.DAYS NOOONOOOOOOOOOOO! Don't get me wrong yo amor escuela muchisimo pero...(HAAAAHA).. i'm a little overwhelemd by it right now i guess! How hard is it going to be to go abck to practice after having not done anything for two weeks i've only strecthed like.............OH wait i haven't streched...guess i better do that ASAP! HAPPY BIRTHDAY QUINCY! ~LUV YA~! Today wasn't so bad i guess? i tutored my cousin in algebra........and BOY DO I NEED REFRESHING!How funny would it be if i wrote as if i had a BRitish accent? HA..that would be funny i'm going to try it! Rought naow i'm maaking keychaains four me amigas de mejor just because i luv them!Well that was fun and over. I'm a dork...there is a constant theme to my everyday life...DORKISM...but i'm cool with it so whatever! Well IWL i'm talking con me novio! PEACE
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