Jan 06, 2005 16:57
Since if I calculate correctly I was not around during Christmas at all, HAPPY LATEST HOLIDAYS EVER AND YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU ALL. Yis? Yis.
The other day Jackie and I found a better use of our time than the actual Latin homework and/or translating my copy of Harrius Potter.
Meum lac spumeum convocant totos pueros ad agrum
Et inquiunt, est melius tuo
Heia, es melius tuo
Possim te docere, sed requiram tuam pecuniam
My frothy milk summons all the boys to the field
And they say, it is better than yours
How now, it is better than yours
I could teach you, but I would require your money.
*small bow*
*flees from the shinyshiny internet again*