I got my hair cut and highlighted on Friday. It's all good. I think I can actually continue to style it the way it should be styled. Of course, I'm going for a basic bob, so where's the difficulty in that? Trust me, if there is the slightest chance I'll have funky, messed up hair, I'll have it. Mr. Charm said he liked it - multiple times! My friend Kim said she thinks its her favorite hair style of mine. Of course, I thought, "So, she didn't like my other hairstyles?!"
I should probably back up to Thursday night. I had writer's group. Me and three men. Fun. I miss the chick-lit mystery girl! She better come next month. I need to e-mail her. They had some suggestions that were good and some that I'm completely ignoring, which is progress for me. Usually I take all suggestions to heart and either a) want to change my story/characters completely, b) think, WTF am I doing? I'm not a writer or c) a combination of both. I decided this time that these three men aren't really my 'target audience.' When I do share this with other people that are my target audience, if they have the same suggestions, I'll listen. Until then I'm more concerned with writing the middle 50% of the book. The part where the story actually takes place.
Saturday...damn! What did I do Saturday morning? I can't even remember. Huh. Saturday afternoon I sat in the car and finished A Little White Horse while Captain Jack slept through Little King's soccer game. Then we rushed home, got ready and left for the two weddings. We had fun. I felt fat. But, that didn't stop me from eating all the yummy food and drinking 4 beers and a glass of merlot at the reception. And, there was cake, too. Saw, but didn't talk to because I knew him but couldn't place him, a guy I went to college with. I think he was trying to place me, too. He kept looking at me. And, I thought it was my new haircut.
Today, we woke up, did a bunch of nothing in the morning. I was considering a trip to the gym when I looked at my computer clock and realized that it wasn't 11:45 but 12:45. Mr. Charm and I had no idea the time changed. At all. We are so clueless. All I lost was a workout, so it's not too bad.
I missed Desperate Housewives, all but the last 15 minutes, because...get this: I was playing video games! In my defense, it isn't just any video game. It's Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. I'm ashamed to admit that I'm hooked. It took me at least 25 times to get past these weird so-not-canon dog ghosts that live in the roots of the whomping willow (don't ask). Finally, I did. At about 8:30. Little King and I were so happy. High fives all around. So, now we are stuck on how to save Ron from the Whomping Willow. Personally, I say leave him there. But the game won't let me.
I post the first chapter summary for PoA tomorrow night on
a_chapter_a_day. Can you believe we are on PoA? If you haven't joined us you should. Everyone loves PoA. I'm hoping that the discussions will perk back up with a book that everyone actually likes.
Tomorrow, writing (really editing, which is my passive agressive way of not writing anything new) my original, at Starbucks until noon when I take Erin Go Braugh to lunch for her birthday. Then, tomorrow night is Book Club at Gloria's where we will drink swirl margaritias in excess and discuss Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None. Then Tuesday night, Mr. Charm leaves for a criss-cross country trip (Dallas to Pullman, Washington, to Indianapolis to NYC to Dallas) returning late Friday night.
Oh! My nephew is going to Law School at Texas Tech, my alma mater! He resisted, mainly because Lubbock is, well...Lubbock. I think he'll like it when he gets there. After all, how can he cast aspersions? He's lived in freaking Waco for four years attending Baylor. Jesus, Waco is a pit. Lubbock at least has...more letters in it's name. And Buddy Holly...dead Buddy Holly, but it's better than David Koresh. All my college haunts are out of business. *sniff* Mesquites, Confrence Cafe, Jazz, Lone Star Oyster Bar, a drive in restaurant that makes the best Oreo Shakes known to mankind (what was the name of that place?), J Pat's, the dive that had three-for-thursday before that was oh-so-illegal, Spanky's which i remember more for the curly black hair I found in my hamburger, Gardski's that had dollar drink specials every night (Monday - Cape Cod, Wednesday - Beer, Sunday - Bloody Mary), Midnight Rodeo with ladies night on Wednesday...dancing with David DelaGarza, the best two-stepper I've ever danced with... Oh, those were the days. Interesting that all my memories are tied up in drinking and eating.
I'm off to read part five of
madlorivoldmort's great epic novel. She's inspired me to at least look at mine again. I'm going to get nervous when I finish my paltry edits and actually have to start writing on it again. *wibble*