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We've started CoS over on
a_chapter_a_day. Tick-tock...HBP is getting closer!
Re-reading these books has reminded me of what it was about HP that I fell in love with. It was Harry. His character is so real to me. He's sarcastic, quick-witted, abused, lonely, brave, hopeful, awe-struck and amazed when the tiniest litte bit of good fortune happens to him. In short, I can't imagine anyone reading these books and not falling completely in love with this little boy. For all the plot potholes that there may be in these stories (quirrel not using a wand, Hagrid as a SPD) there are, JKR makes up with it in charactarization and pure story.
Because of how she writes, the fact that in the very first book the clues pointing to quirrell were so small, we as a fandom have taken to disecting each and every bit of minutia that she's written. We are bound to hit on some of it, but most of it probably falls under the 'take it on faith and don't analyze it too hard' category. And, really when you do that is when the story is the most enjoyable.
Today, I got my British version of CoS (which I'm reading for the first time, I love e-bay!) and tuned my iPod to my CoS soundtrack and rode a stationary bike at the gym for 50 minutes. It was probably the best hour I've spent in a long time. That is what I love about this series, not the mystery or the infernal shipping debates but the ease in which I'm able to get lost into another world for a little while. That is the greatest gift a writer can give us.
Yes, I know. I hit new levels of HP geekiness reading and listening to CoS. I need serious help.