where cc is too busy for her own good

Mar 02, 2005 17:04

First, must pimp. Check out ravenclawdrew's first fan fic. It is very good. I loved it for it's unique perspective. Maybe I just think it's unique b/c I know so few men in fandom, and even fewer authors. So, I read a story about a 16 year old boy written by a man and I think, 'he must know, he lived it' whereas I'm just guessing when I write that shit. Probably why I'd rather write Hermione's PoV. Anyhoo...

Diary of a Madman

Since he's a newbie, leave him words of encouragement if you like it. We were all there once.

a_chapter_a_day is rocking! Jeez-louise! I'm not going to lie and say I"ve read all the posts cuz that's just not possible for me. But, I'm so excited that so many people are participating and commenting. seicat and the other mods and I are working on something to make it even better. More on that in the days to come. seicat is doing all the work and she will get all the props.

I have seven minutes to finish this entry: that's when my lasgne noodles stop cooking.

it looks as if I'm going to be meeting vicariousleigh and call_me_ps in raleigh, NC in April! Woo-hoo! When I mentioned it to Mr. Charm he asked, "How are you going to pay for it?" "With your benevolence????" "Oh, I see. Okay." His aquience is a shock considering what I did to him last night. No, it isn't sexual, (get your mind out of the gutter) but I'm surprised that he's talking to me.

Judy mentioned something about getting some other NC HP crazies together when we are there. Fair warning to everyone: last time we got together, we all got bellyrings. No idea what wild and crazy stuff might happen in NC.

Started working on Chapter 8 of BLTN and I'm feeling good about this chapter like I did about chapter...damn, can't remember. The one I really liked. The one with lots of sex. But, this one has no sex. Lots of Kiddo perspective and a new perspective. Fun, fun. It's going to be a long chapter.

I'm sorry if I haven't been replying in everyone's lj like I should. I read, I promise. But, this LJ is just crack and I have so much I need/want to do! Like cook dinner.There go the lasgne noodles.

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