I have to admit, I'm a little weirded out. When I made the post about locking BLTN I was expecting a few people to reply, not close to 50.
One thing is for sure, I'm going to have to filter my sex talk.
One other thing, LJ might want to give me a discount; quite a few have created journals to ask to be friended. That's rather flattering, to be honest. So, I started friending people that requested. Then, I caught someone lying about their age.
They are thirteen. Wow. I could be their mother. I started thinking about if I would want Little King to read the shit I'm writing in seven years, and the answer is no. I'm not a prude, and I think that at that age they should know about sex (and probably know much more than I did at that age) but I don't want them learning anything from what I write. That is their parents' job, not mine.
So, long story short, I'm not going to add any more friends I don't know and am going to start posting this story on Portkey. Let their filter do it's job. The fact is, I don't want to get tagged for allowing children to read 'porn' on the internet. Am I being overly cautious? Yeah, probably. But, that's the way it is. I am very, very sorry for all the people that are of age, which I think the majority of you are, and will have to wait until I get BLTN caught up on Portkey. I'll post it quickly, probably a chapter a day, so you won't have to wait long. But, I'm sure you understand my POV. And for those of you that were honest and said you were underage, thank you.
Here is the link.
BLTN on Portkey For those of you that created accounts, LJ has a great HP community. You should surf around and get involved. There are lots of places you can lurk! Or you could go join the new community
a_chapter_a_day and read the first 5 books with us before HBP comes out. If you want to continue to read about my boring life on my LJ, feel free. I'll try to be as entertaining as possible.