May 03, 2005 01:38
Full name: april claire gregoire
Nickname: crazy legs big a A from VAAg kitty kay apri to the l
Birthday: july 6 1987
Birthplace: warren mr
Current mood: giggly high on life
Current music: i go back-tim mcgraw
Current taste: pepsi
Current hair: messy pony tail
Current clothes: blue athletic capris and a grey polo sweater
Current annoyance: my dad flicked me in the head
Current smell: cake my mom just made
Current thing I ought to be doin:i should be in school
Current windows open: none what am i crazy it aint warm out rightnow
Current desktop picture: the varsity cheerleading team at are chrismas party
Current favorite band: bowling for soup
Current book: to die for
Current cd in stereo: my burned cd i made for me self when i was sad
Current crush: ummmmm ..... lol.......for me to kno dauhs
Current favorite celeb: joey harrington
Current hate: my body
=Do I=
Smoke?: screw that
Do drugs?: not ne more im done with that
Have sex?: umm would u like to kno
Have a dream that keeps coming back?: yes its a good one though
Read the newspaper?: only the sport section
Have any gay or lesbian friends?: ummm hell no unless u count my hair dresser
Believe in miracles?: yes
Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever?: ummm no
Consider yourself tolerant of others?: i have a short attention spand lol
Consider love a mistake?: yes all of the tyme its way confusin
Like the taste of alcohol?: hell yea
Have a favorite candy?: ummmm alll candy but if i had to pick watermellon sour patch kids
Believe in magic? not at all i dont believe what i dont see im stubboen
Believe in god?: for sure
Have any pets: 1 boxer named ginger
Go to or plan to go to college: wayne state unv. for sure
Have any piercings?: ears...I did have my nose done, but took it out and i had my belly botten but it got ripped out
Have any tattoos?: nope not at all
Hate yourself: alot
Have an obsession?: ummm lookin at picture
Have a secret crush?: hells yea
Do they know yet?: nope
Have a best friend?:lots of them
Wish on stars?: I have...never works though
Care about looks?: ya i was brought up like that though so i cant expect it to change
=Love life=
First crush: corey nelson
First kiss: corey nelson fifth grade
Single or attached?:right now i have no idea!
Ever been in love?: yes once
Do you believe in love at first sight?: yea cer much sooo!
Do you believe in "the one?": I don't believe their is one person out their for you...i believe that what is meant to be will happen
Describe your ideal significant other: i can't...i dont have one...
=Juicy stuff=
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: all the tyne
Have you ever been intoxicated?:ooohhh no a question like that ur askin me gez.
Favorite place to be kissed?: ummmm where ever i kiss
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": umm yes the most embarrassing moment in my life 69
Are you a tease?: umm i dont think so but ryan says yes
Shy to make the first move?: yes im very shy to make the first move
=Word association=
Rubber: duck
Rock: climbing
Wet: swimmin
Cry: !when i think of him
Peanut: butter
Hay: codies horses
Cold: my mom is sick
Steamy:being in the shower
Fast:on hell ya
Freaky: ummmmm only he would kno
Rain: sexy
Bite: it
Fuck: u
Blow: me
Hair: blonde
Eyes: blue
Height: 5*9 wow im tall!
Bought: ummmm a tannin package
Ate & Drank: pizza and pepsi
Read: my livejournal!
Watched on tv: the notebook
--EITHER / OR:--
club or houseparty: club
beer or cider: cider
drinks or shots: shots
cats or dogs: Dogs
single or taken: single
pen or pencil: pencil
gloves or mittens: Gloves.
food or candy:both
cassette or cd: cd
coke or pepsi: coke
this or that: that
kill: wow dont even get me startes
get really wasted with: mary and codie and javan
look like: paris hilton
be like: i like being like me
avoid: just about everyone!
talked to: renee
hugged: tracie
instant messaged: javan!
kissed: ummmmm...................
eat: my kitchen table
cry: in my room
wish you were: on a beach in the sun
Dated one of your best friends? Yes and now we barly get along
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? yes it hurts soo bad
Drank alcohol? it me dauh
Done drugs? i have...
Broken the law? umm wya to many times for my likein
Run away from home?nope my mom would whoop my butt
Broken a bone? never
Played Truth Or Dare? yess i have pickle lol
Kissed someone you didn't know? ummmm lol
Been in a fight? plenty...we are taking about me right?
Come close to dying? yes i had a siezure in bucks restraunt
--WHAT IS:--
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: none i love my cds
Your bedroom like?:picture every where of me and my friends every where
Your favorite thing for breakfast? waffles and bacon and hot chocolate thinkin about it makes me hungrey
Your favorite restaurant?: ummm lashish
What's on your bedside table?: cd player picture phrames and my phone
What do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night?: nething that looks good
What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?notebook for sure
If you could have cosmetic surgery, what would you have done? ummm breast enlargment or nose job
What is your biggest fear?: being alone
What feature are you most insecure about?: my body
Do you ever have to beg?: yes
Are you a pyromaniac?: no i dont even kno what it is
Do you lotz
Do you know anyone famous?:ive met chauncy billups
Describe your bed: queens sized bed thats very comfy
Spontaneous or plain?:spontanous u can never predict me unless ur name is john and i just dont undersatnd how he does it
Do you know how to play poker?: yes i doooo...
What do you carry with you at all times?: ummm cell phone
How do you drive?: alright
What do you miss most about being little?: ummm no responsibilty and my friends from growing up
Are you happy with your given name?: Totally.
How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?: none
What color is your bedroom?: purple and pink
What was the last song you were listening to?:i go back
Have you ever been in a play?: last year with sophelia
Who are your best friends?: Codie renee mary vee gill mary rachel ashauna ao ashely theut shore ryan and javan john !
Do you talk a lot?: yes...all the time
Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?: sometimes
Do you think you're cute?: renee htinks i am so i must be
Do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you? not really
Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?: lol hell no
Do you spend more time with your girlfriend, boyfriend, or your friends?: friends for sure